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It was the night before y/n's first day at work and she was still up rewatching one of her favourite anime.

"Mumen rider is so cool but such an idiot at the same time. Like how can you expect to beat that strong of a demon. I love you but I also can't allow myself to watch this."

She closed her eyes as her hero was beaten into the ground mercilessly.

"NOOO! Why is everyone just watching this happen! Someone help him!"

She began to scream at her TV practically begging it to allow her to go through the screen.

The young woman jumped as she heard 3 sharp bangs on her door.

"Shut up or I'll throw that TV out along with you."

y/n scrambled off the ground and opened her door.

Mere inches away from her stood an her annoyed older sister, Yui.

"How do you expect me not to shout! My favourite character is on his death bed! I feel dizzy..." she started wafting herself.

"I think.... I think...... I'm going...... to...... faint."

She fell into her sister's arms. She soon found herself on the floor.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

Yui laughed at her.

"That's what you get for being so extra. Anyways it's all ok because in the end-"


y/n slammed the door in her face.

Yui flipped her long green hair off her shoulder before walking away to finish her paperwork.

"After this episode go to bed, no if, buts or ands." She yelled.

She heard a groan in response.

"What was that? I don't think I heard a proper response."

"I said okay!"

"You're lucky I was able to get you this job." She mumbled to herself.

If it was not obvious already y/n is an otaku, she never tried to hide it. She watches pretty much any genre except hentai. Yarichin bitchin club was her first and last. Her favourite genre is comedy which matches her bubbly personality.

Her sister is also an otaku but she is a lot more reserved. She didn't try to hide it but she wasn't an open book either. She is often found with an unwelcoming look to match her unwelcoming aura (except for when she is with her sister) which is why she isn't very popular at work, this made her feel lonely. Her favourite genre was shounen anime as she liked all the fighting in it.

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