Level 26: Don't dwell on it...

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Y/n's POV

She leaned in and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Her head rested on his shoulder.

"Thank you for being a good friend."

Tsuki didn't respond.

Hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around y/n and laid his cheek on on her head.

She soon let go and got up, getting ready to go to work.

But as she was leaving the room she heard a whisper.


She stopped in her place looking back before shaking her head and walking away to her bathroom.

After an hour she was ready and as usual she was rushing around.

By this point Yamaguchi was up and he was making breakfast with the help of Yachi.

Tsuki was watching the Tv in silence.

"Ok I'm off."

"Wait," she turned back and a chocolate are hit her in the face.

"Sorry. I didn't want you to go to work having eaten nothing." Yachi stuttered out.

"No it's fine. I don't mind if food hits me in the face."

Yamaguchi walked round and gave her a smoothie.

"Thank you, bye."

She heard Yamaguchi and Yachi replied to her as she locked the door.

She reached the stop just as the bus got there and sat in her usual seat in the back next to the window.

Y/n put her ear phones in and listened to music.

She felt a vibration on her phone.

"10%? I must have forgotten put it on charge." She sighed.

Another notification popped up underneath.

Crappykawa 🤢🤢

"Hey y/n-chan. You haven't
answered any of mine and
Yui's calls from this morning.

Are you ok?"

Y/n had a decision to make.

Did she want to ignore them as well?

Her head was telling her one thing and her heart was telling her another.

"You should ignore them. You needed them yesterday and where were they?"

"Yes but at the end of the day they are our best friend and sister I'm sure there would be a good reason."

"But they promised to call you after the date. Do promises mean nothing?"

"But we will never know if their reasons are valid until we ask."

Alas, she went with her heart.

"Sorry, I was a little late
getting up Oikawa-kun.


I'm fine, thanks."

More lies

He read her text and immediately started typing.

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