Level 2- Don't frick this up!

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"This is the break room. You can not smoke here but you can in the next room over."

Y/n nodded.

"So Tanka," y/n looked up, "why did you decide to work here?"

y/n began to panic.

She couldn't tell him that she left because she got into an argument with one of her friends and was too embarrassed to see her again.

"Oh, it was too far away. Also my sister works here so it's a little bit easier."

Oikawa looked back.

"Yui Tanaka?"

She nodded.

Oikawa thought it was just a coincidence they both had the same last name because they looked nothing alike.

Yui was a curvaceous woman with a cold demeanour, most of the people in the workplace thought she was gorgeous but they were too scared say anything to her, thinking she would flip on them.

y/n on the other hand was not so curvaceous but it only helped emphasis how cute she was. A smile was always visible and her eyes shone brightly. Her (h/c) hair even shone giving her angelic vibes. She was also outgoing and welcoming which opposed her older sister.

The only thing that was similar about the sisters were their heights, Yui being 3 centimetres taller.

"People ask if one of us is adopted but it's just that Yui looks like our mother but has our father' s personality and I look like our father and have our mother's personality."

Oikawa nodded and looked forward and saw a familiar face leaving the break room.

"Iwa-chan!," he looked at Oikawa and rolled his eyes.

Oikawa was stood in front of y/n so Iwa could see her.

"What is it Trashykawa?"

"Don't call me that especially when we have a new employee."

Oikawa moved out of the way, revealing y/n.



Oikawa glanced at the pair, wondering how they knew each other.

y/n looked at Iwaizumi. Obviously he would look different from his elementary school days but he has changed so much he was almost unrecognisable if it wasn't for his bright green eyes and spiky brown hair.

Oikawa was getting tired of the staring.

"Anywaays.., we have to go, Iwa-chan, bye bye!"

"Wait!" Iwaizumi grabbed y/n's arm.

"Let's get something to drink later, okay?"

y/n gulped.

"Okay, see you later."

Oikawa dragged y/n away from Iwaizumi.

"So, are you going to explain what just happened or...?"

"He's my friend from elementary school."

Oikawa sighed.

He was relieved that his best friend hadn't been hiding anything too serious from him because he only became good friends with Iwa at the start of middle school.

"Oh, okay. Is it ok if I call you y/n-chan?"

"Yes, is Oikawa-kun okay?"

"Yes," he paused to look at her properly.

You're so cute y/n-chaan"

After a few minutes they walk into a busy room. Oikawa pointed to 2 empty desks.

"Here is your desk, right next to mine. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask, okay."

"That's fine. Thank you Oikawa-kun."

They high-five.

In her head, y/n was rejoicing because she didn't frick anything up.

In her head, y/n was rejoicing because she didn't frick anything up

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Oikawa and Iwaizumi were in the break room together while at just left y/n

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Oikawa and Iwaizumi were in the break room together while at just left y/n. Oikawa was drinking a latte and Iwaizumi was having black coffee.

Oikawa looked over and saw Yui walk into the room.

He hid behind Iwa before she could properly see him.

"Iwaizumi, have you seen Oikawa?"

"No, he's probably out getting something to eat. Why what has he done now."

"I need him to give me the work for the employees he supervises." She sighed and rubbed her temple.
"It's fine, if you see him, tell him that I will grab his head and shove it up his ass if I don't see it on my desk by tomorrow morning." By the end of her sentence she was shouting.

She swiftly faced the door and stomped out of the room, her hair swaying elegantly.

"Did you hear that?"

Oikawa stood up from where he hid, his legs couldn't keep still.

"That's why you get your work done on time, shittykawa."

"I'll get it done tonight anyways, that's not the reason why I'm here."

"Iwa raised an eyebrow, not taking his eyes off of his phone."

"When we're you going to tell me about your childhood friend."

"What did y/n tell you?"

"She didn't say much all she said was that you guys were friends in elementary school."

"She lied to you. We used to date." he told Oikawa bluntly.

It was as if someone has turned off Oikawa's brain. It refused to work after the new information he had acquired.

"Wait, so you guys dated and in the 12 years of friendship you have never thought of telling me?"

"We were 10. It was only 2 years."

"2 YEARS! That makes it even worse! You know what, I'm going to need some time to take this in."

Oikawa dramatically left the staff room, a frown slapped on his face.

Iwaizumi looked at his coffee and paused the song playing.

"Why didn't she tell him?"

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