Level 8- Don't be awkward!

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"Iwa, you're still here. Thank goodness."

y/n had been looking for him everywhere and was scared that he had left for the night.

"What's wrong y/n?"

"Yui wants to work alone at so she wanted me to stay with you."

"That's weird, Oikawa is also busy right now."

"That is weird," she gasped. "Maybe they are planning a party!"

Iwa rolled his eyes.

"Yes....maybe they are planning a party...."

"Well let's start going to your house before it gets too late."

They put their hands in their pockets and left the building. The winter breeze kissed their exposed skin.

Unconsciously, y/n got closer to her friend, begging for his heat.

"So how was work today?"

Iwa looked down at the woman and saw her signature smile spread on her face.

He sighed and looked up at the sky. The stars smiled at him.

"It was good, I guess. I can't complain."

She nodded.

"How was yours?"

"Mine was good, Oikawa told me about this slice of life about these school girls who join a band. What was the name day-on? Lay-on. Ugh."

She rubbed her eyes. Iwa smiled at her. She looked up at him.

"Hey what are you smiling at?"

He threw his hands up in defence.

"I'm just enjoying the scene."

Just as he said that, he felt something cold land on his nose, then his cheek and then his forehead.

"Look Iwa, it's snowing."

She moved away from him and turned around, surrounding herself in the scenery.

Iwa brought his phone out to check the time.

"Let's go y/n before you get a cold."

"Awwe okaay."

She ran up to Iwa and followed him back to his house.

"Sit down and get comfortable. We have a long night."

y/n was confused. What were they going to do all night.


No Iwa would never do that he didn't seem like the type of guy for one night stands.

She looked over her shoulder and saw him increasing the temperature on thermostat.

He has changed a lot since I last saw him. Maybe his thinking also changed.

Iwa came back into the living room and seemed to be looking for something. His eyes locked on y/n. He walked towards her and trapped her in between his legs. He got closer and closer to her.

"Can we do this later." y/n didn't know what to do.

"No it can't wait. It would be irresponsible of me."

He pulled back with a stack of work in his hands.

y/n blinked.

"Course, he was talking about work." She told herself.

"Right." She pulled out her computer and began to do some of the paperwork that she was behind on.

After a while y/n was bored. She looked over and saw Iwa was still fully invested in his work.

"This isn't fun at all. Here I was thinking we would be cuddling up, watching a romance movie and eating some popcorn. And Iwa says he is a fan of shojo manga; this is the opposite of a shojo manga. If this was an anime it would be dobrik lovers because it's just so boring."

Without noticing, she began tapping her pen on the table to distract herself.

After a few taps the pen was taken out of her hands and placed in front of her.

"Is this what you were talking about when you said 'we have a long night?'" She mimicked his voice.

" I have a lot of work to catch up on. If you want you can watch TV and I'll go to my room. Speaking of which, I haven't shown you where you're sleeping."

He finished his sentence before getting up and leading y/n down a corridor. She got to see around his flat a bit. The walls were white with a line of turquoise. 

He opened a door to a neat room.

"Sorry if you find some stuff lying around. Oikawa stays over once in a while."

"No it's fine. Thank you."

He walked away from her and collected his work.

"Would you want anything to eat?"

She didn't want to be a bother so she declined pretending that she had eaten quite recently.

In reality though she was starving and needed to eat something.

"I'm going home to get a missing piece of work."

"I'll come with you. I wouldn't want you getting lost or hurt in the snow."

"You really don't have to."

"No, I want to."

And that's how she and Iwa made their way over to her house to 'get her missing work'.

Once they had gotten to the house she opened the door. It was silent.

"I'm going to get my work and then I'll check to see if Yui is ok. You can just stay in my room. I have a TV there."

Unfortunately for Iwa, y/n never described where her room and when he looked back to ask her she was gone.

He opened the first door, it was the bathroom. He opened the next door it was just a room full of books. He assumed it wasn't her room because there was no bed.

He came to the next room and opened the door. In the room 2 pairs of eyes stared back at him. It seemed his suspicions were correct.

"Don't let her see us" Yui whispered sharply. The desk lamp that shone on her face showed the desperation.

"Iwa? Is Yui there?"

He panicked. Quickly he closed the door.

"No. She must be out."

"Oh, well I need to get my switch from her room so if you'll excuse me."

But Iwa didn't budge. He blocked the door even more.

"We should go now (n/n)"

"Iwa, are you okay? You haven't called me (n/n) since we were children. Please budge over now."

"Nope, I won't."

"I-wa- let- me- in."

Iwaizumi underestimated how much the girl would struggle and after a few wriggles she managed to get the door open.

"Finally now I can- AAH!"

Iwa covered her eyes.

"I did try to warn you."

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