Boss Battle 1: Don't back down!

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y/n was at work trying to get her work done but there was a lot of murmuring.

"Have you seen the new person."

"Yeah. She's quite cute."

"Pervs" y/n muttered under her breath.

After the whispers were not quieting down she slammed her fist on the table and got up to go on her break.

"What's wrong with her?"

When she got into the staff room she got a coffee before going to her table.

The issue was that someone was sat in her seat.

"Hey guys. It's been really stressful today hasn't it."

Everyone stopped their conversation to look at y/n.

Everyone but the person she didn't know.

Oikawa rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, probably."

There was an awkward silence.

"So how are all of you."

Yui cut her off.

"y/n what are you doing here?"

"I'm on my break so I wanted to come hang out with you guys."

"Well we don't want to hang out with you."

She looked at everyone's faces.

Iwa was looking down at his coffee.

"Iwa? What about you after all the fun things we did you don't want me to sit-"

"You're so damn annoying."

He looked at her with pure hatred.


"Did you not hear them y/n?"

The female sat in her seat finally showed her face.

"It's you? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be-"

"I transferred here. And it's my job to make your life miserable like you did to me."

She pulled Iwa's collar towards her and kissed him.

"No... no.. no. no nononoNoNoNONONO!"

y/n woke up with cold sweats.

Yui ran into the room.

"y/n are you ok?" She rushed to her side and hugged her.

"Yeah. Just a bad dream. Don't worry Yui I'm not 7."

"Ok get ready to go to work. I'll drive you down."

y/n got into the shower, still a little shook by her dream.

"Would they ditch me for someone else?"

Then she remembered who she was talking about, her best friends. They would never do something so mean...


She got out of the shower and got dressed.

Everything felt normal.

She was almost late as usual.

She was given an inhuman amount of work as usual.

"I guess this will be a normal day."

y/n sighed.


She sat up in her chair and and looked to her left.

Love or Work!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora