Level 17: Don't stoop to her level!

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y/n walked into the house. She was slightly out of breath.

She looked towards her sister.

Yui glanced her way with a worrisome look but quickly replaced it with a frown and turned away.

"Yui," she walked over to her sister and hugged her really tightly."

"I'm sorry that I wasn't happy for you. We're sisters; we should always work together for each other's benefit. I was just a little scared..."

"Of what?" Yui questioned.

"That I would be all alone." She whispered.

Yui awkwardly wrapped her arms around her sister and patted her head.

She heard a few sniffles.

"Don't worry y/n I will never leave you."

Yui smiled and signalled Oikawa to move over to allow y/n to sit. He eventually had to get up.

"Do you remember what I told you when I left the house." Yui wiped away her tears and softly patted her hair.

"It's you and me always. Doesn't matter how far away we are from each other. Doesn't matter if we fight. Doesn't matter if I'm really hurt. I'm always one call away and I will always help you out. And I meant it y/n. We pinky promises and there is no backing out of it. Okay?"

You nodded on her shoulders.

"Yui you're the best sister anyone could ask for."

Yui stayed quiet.

"Awww Yu-chan is blushing, how cute."

She kicked his shin.

"Thank you for having me but I have to go home."

The hugging pair turned to Sayo who's lip was quivering.

She took a deep breath and turned around to get her bag.

When she thanked them once more y/n noticed how her cheeks looked red and stained by a few tears.

"Thank you again." She bowed and opened the door to leave.

y/n didn't know what came over her.

"Get home safely Sayo."

Sayo didn't respond. She swiftly closed the door.

"y/n," y/n looked over in Iwa's direction.

"Where did you go?"

"Don't worry, I was with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. They talked some sense into me, well mostly Tsuki, and Yamaguchi said he would think about being my new roommate when Yui moved out."

She moved to sit on the couch next to Iwa since it was getting quite full on the other sofa.

"You actually listened to that arrogant blondy?" Oikawa crossed his arms and shook his head.

"You really shouldn't be talking about people being arrogant shittykawa."

He stuck his tongue out at Iwa before huffing and puffing.

Yui grabbed the remote from Oikawa's lap and searched for a movie.

"Any suggestions on what we should watch?"

"Maybe we should watch the Mugen Train arc. It was a good film." Iwa answered.

y/n shook her head.

"I've watched it too many times and I don't want to see mmfhmgfh."

Iwa covered her mouth.

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