Level 4- Don't think about him like that!

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"Where have you been? You said you would be here by 10:30 and it's 10:37."

As soon as y/n turned and faced Yui her face her expression did a 180.

"What happened? Who did you meet? Do I need to kick someone's ass?"

She hugged her younger sister, her pyjama top getting wet.

"You know Iwaizumi from work...," she sniffled.

"So he's the old friend? Wait how do YOU know him?"

"Do you not remember? We were friends in elementary school and dated for 2 years. He," she took a deep breath. "said that I should forget that we ever dated."

"Wait when did you date and how come I didn't know about it."

"We dated in 5th grade and I asked him not to tell anyone because I didn't want you or dad finding out."

"5th grade is so long ago. Why are you allowing it to get to you."

"I don't know, he was the only person who dated me and even then he doesn't want to think about it; what does that say about me?"

"I'll kick his smug ass after work tomorrow. I didn't know he was like that. He seemed like such a trustworthy person."

"No... don't.. there's no point. It will only get you into trouble. It's his choice, even if it hurts I still respect it."

"Okay.. but if you change your mind just ask and I'll give him one swift punch to the jaw."

The pair fell asleep on the couch, cuddling.

y/n woke up to her phone alarm going off.

She looked at the alarm. It had a note.

"I turned on your alarm dumbass, you would have forgotten again. You don't have to rush today. I put your dinner in your lunchbox so you're not wasting my precious food. I also made your breakfast it's on the table. If I find out your late after doing practically everything for you, I will take away your manga, game consoles and phone for a week, don't test me y/n.


She thought about how boring her life would be. She shuddered.

She got ready and turned on the TV while she ate some hash browns, scrambled eggs, sausages, toast and some sauce on the side.

She was watching monthly girl Nozaki-kun when she got a notification on her phone from Yui on her phone.

She decided to open it later since it was the last episode and she was hoping that they would confess to each other.

It was now time to leave so she got her coat and bag and went to the bus stop.

She put her headphones on and listened to some music. She unconsciously began tapping her toes to the beat and, once she got off the bus, began skipping to work.

She was early for once so she decided to get herself ready by logging on her computer. While it was loading she opened her sister's message.

Once she opened it she rushed to the break room to find Oikawa.

She found him on a table with Iwaizumi also on his phone.

Since Iwa was with Oikawa-kun her plan changed. She decided to tease Iwa instead.

"So Aizumi, how was your morning?"

"Aizumi?" Oikawa questioned.

Iwa knew that name quite well; it was the nickname she used to call him when she was younger. He knew she was up to something.

"You didn't do anything... different?"

"What are you eluding to y/n." He asked having waited enough.

She pulled out her phone and showed the photo of him at animart in the shojo isle reaching out for monthly girl Nozaki-kun.

Iwaizumi choked on his coffee before making a quick recovery.

"Actually, I was getting that for Oikawa."

"Guilty, sorry y/n-chan. The real question is why were you there."

"Oh, I wasn't. Yui was going past and saw him there and sent me a photo," she looked down at her watch, "I have to go now, I'll speak to you both later, bye.

If she was honest she was disappointed. She thought she had another friend she could relate to.

She wasn't looking where she was going and bumped into someone.

"I'm sor- ah it's you Yui! How are you?"

People were watching the 2 interact and were shocked to see that Yui hadn't shouted at y/n yet.

"You need to be more careful y/n. If I was holding lots of papers they would be on the floor."

"Buut, you weren't so it's fine. I promise I'll be more careful from now on." She saluted at her sister before marching out of the room to her desk."

"Why don't you want people to know you like shojo mangas. If you asked me it's quite cute." Iwaizumi locked eyes with Oikawa before going back to his sports magazine.

"It's embarrassing that I am a manga reader at all, never mind shojo mangas. If it ever go out I feel like I would need to move far far away, so don't let it get out Trashykawa."

"Yeah, yeah, I understand." Oikawa rested his legs on the table.

"OIKAWA!" He jumped and fell backwards on his chair, hitting his head on the floor.

"Ouch Yui-chan, what's with the shouting?"

"I told you not to call me that... it's embarrassingly stupid."

He smiled at her. She glared back.

"I didn't come here for meaningless chatter, you can't put your feet on the furniture. It gives the other employees the idea that they can also do it. As a fellow supervisor I thought you would understand this."

Oikawa sat on the floor looking pathetic. She took pity on him and lent her hand out for him.

"Thank you, Yui-chaaaan."

Yui quickly turned her back to him and walked away grumbling.

"Must you always wind her up?" Iwa raised a brow at Oikawa.

"I can't help myself. She gets all cute when I do it."

"Curse you shittykawa, making me think of you in that kind of way" her face was beet red as she walked away.

"Curse you shittykawa, making me think of you in that kind of way" her face was beet red as she walked away

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