Level 20: Why did I trust you?

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Sayo's POV

"I was born into what was a happy family. My father worked as an accountant in some fancy office. I can't remember the name. My mother's name was Yuki. She was a teacher but quit her job to stay at home and looked after me. From what I can remember we were happy." She laughed sadly.

"I don't even remember my dad's name." She swirled the brown drink in her hands.

But I remember something happened that changed all our lives."

"I knew it..." Yuki looked at her husband with tears in her eyes.

"Yuki- it's not what you think. We were just-"

"You were what? Working? Helping out a client?"

She laughed and shook her head in disbelief.

"Why? Out of all the people why my own sister? You have a daughter for goodness sake."

5 year old Sayo was holding onto her mother hand while tightly gripping her stuffed tiger.

"Please Yuki not in front of-"

"NO! I don't want to hear that! Especially from you!" She pointed at her younger sister.

"You were a good for nothing rat. Always have been and I guess you always will be. Everyone knew it, mum, dad. That's why they kicked you out and when I took pity on you and got you this job you what? Stab me in the back?"

Her sister spoke up.

"You're just jealous that you don't have my looks and my body, stretch marks."

"You may think that. Hell, I was just as much of a fool as you are now but just know, in due time, you will be in the exact same situation I am now, filthy bitch." She muttered the last part.

"And you," she changed her gaze to Sayo's dad."

"Me and Sayori, we're leaving and you will never find us again."

"My mother strapped me into the car and began driving home. I could hear she was crying. She turned the radio volume louder as she drove."

"When we finally got home she took me out of the car and brought out 3 suitcases."

"Sayo-chan, we are going to play a game. You need to get as much of your stuff as you can and run back down stairs. I'll be playing as well. The person who gets the most stuff wins." Yuki said.

"If this had happened now I would have known something was up. Her lip was quivering but she tried to hide it by biting down on it. Her eyes were being hidden by sunglasses and she had thrown her ring on the floor moments ago."

"But obviously a child doesn't notice those small details. They hear 'game' and you have their up most attention."

"I got all the toys in my room and all my favourite dresses as well as my light up shoes and my dolls."

When I brought them all down I saw that my mum had nothing in front of her.

"You won! Well done. Ok pass them to me so I can count how many you have."

As she took the from me she placed them neatly into the suitcase . She carried this on until she had put everything in. She went upstairs to get all the other things she needed to get and a secret stash of money.

"Gordon." The young butler approached her.

"Yes ma'am"

"Is there any chance I can get on a plane tonight. It does matter where as long as I'm not here."

He scrolled through his phone and stopped on one airline.

"There is a plane leaving for Tokyo tonight and it seems they still have lots of room available."

"Then we are going to Tokyo."

"Mummy where are we going?"

Yuki cupped Sayo's cheeks.

"Sayo-chan," she smiled at me as she patted my head down.

"We're going to Japan."

"And that's how we moved from England to Japan."


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"Wait so you are English?" Oikawa questioned

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"Wait so you are English?" Oikawa questioned.

"Yeah, I don't remember much from there though."

"Did you ever see the queen?"

"... Yes I saw her on my weekly shop."


Sayo and Yui rolled their eyes.

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