Cut Scene 4: Present Cast

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This story will be narrated by:
Everyone present so far

"Hello everyone watching."

Everyone focused on the monitor in from of them displaying a Cleo's face.

"I would have loved to join you guys down their to talk however the producers deemed it too dangerous and I have to stay up here."

They all looked up and saw Cleo smiling nervously.

"I was promised something good. I swear if I'm wasting my evening here when I could be at home doing paperwork, no barrier will protect you." Yui threatened.

Cleo shuddered.

"No. I promise that this is worthwhile. It won't be long so don't worry."

"So why do you have us here. And why do I have to be sat next to that." Tsuki pointed at Oikawa.

Oikawa stuck out his tongue.

"Well I thought that as a treat for all the interviews I have and will do you guys should play a game of pass the parcel."

"Where is the treat in that? Are we seven?" Sayo added.

"I hate to agree with her but what could be so special that you woke me up for it." y/n said.

"Well then you guys can go home but if you don't want to be in the running for ¥150,000 then by all means leave."

"¥150,000?" They all said in perfect harmony.

"Imagine all the games I could play with that money." Kenma thought to himself.

"Cleo just admit it." Cleo looked Tsukishima's way.

"You were planning to post this chapter on Christmas to make it a Christmas special but you got to lazy so you decided to post it on New Years to make it a New Years special but again you go lazy. So now as a lost resort, and also because you are running out of ideas, you have decided to post this now."

Cleo smiled nervously.

"Me? Never... what?"

She cleared her throat.

"Anyways, as I was saying we will be playing pass the parcel. Once the parcel stops on you-"

"You take off a layer of wrapping paper, we know." Oikawa rolled his eyes.

"Please, you think I'm that lazy. In every layer I've put a truth or a dare. You must answer it or else there will be something far worse waiting for you."

Cleo had a sinister grin for a moment.

She replaced it with a small smile.

"Does anyone have any questions?"

"I do-" most of them put their hands up.

"No? Ok! Let's start this."

Music started playing.

Just as y/n had passed it to Yamaguchi the music stopped.

He delicately took of a layer and placed it in the middle.

A small piece of paper drifted onto his lap.

"Who do you hate out of everyone here?"

He looked around before scratching his head.

"I don't hate anyone here. You all seem like nice people."

"Just say Oikawa and move on." Tsuki added.

Oikawa rolled his eyes.

"No I admire Oikawa-san. Yes he may be a little childish but you can tell he puts his all into volleyball."

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