Level 15: Don't get angry!

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Y/n's POV

Neither of the 2 women were prepared to lose the glaring competition.

Maybe it was due to the winter air drifting into the room or maybe it was due to y/n's eyes screaming of muderous intent but the air felt a lot thicker than usual.

"y/n can we speak in the other room." Oikawa asked.

She turned away from them and walked into the guest room, Yui Iwa and Oikawa followed.

"Sayo please make yourself comfortable. We will only be 2 minutes."

Oikawa was the last one to enter and closed the door behind him.

"y/n, try not to get mad but we invited her here because we wanted you to see how nice she is." Iwa said.

"Sayo? Please she the reason-"  she cut herself off.

"I just don't like her ok. If you had been through what I went through you wouldn't either."

They all looked anywhere but at y/n.

"But if you didn't want her to come why didn't you tell us earlier." Oikawa questioned.

"How was I meant to, I am only just finding out now."

"You mean Iwa didn't tell you?"

Everyone turned their gaze to Iwaizumi.

"It's not my fault, I forgot okay? Everyone makes mistakes."

"y/n," she looked back at her sister who had been quiet this whole time.

"I understand how you feel but maybe she's changed. You knew her in high school?"

y/n didn't answer her and rolled her eyes, "So you don't understand." She said to herself.

"Anyways, y/n-chan just stay one night. You'll see how nice she actually is"

She could see how much her friends were trying so in the end she gave up and walked back into the living room.

By this point Sayo had sat down in y/n's original spot.

"Sorry I just sat down in a random spot. My legs were getting tired."

y/n could tell it was intentional because her switch had been thrown onto the bean bag.

Not wanting to start anything y/n swiftly turned to the kitchen and got 3 bottles of beer and one Fanta twist.

She brought them all the the bean bag and began to drink the fanta twist while watching a video on YouTube.

"Guys we have an announcement," y/n took off her headphones and looked at Yui and Oikawa-kun.

They had their hands on top of each other and looked excited to spread the news.

"So we wanted to tell you...



...we're moving in together!"

"Congratulations." Iwa commented before going back to his phone.

"Woah that's so cool Yui-nee and Oikawa-kun. I hope you both find eternal happiness together."

y/n rolled her eyes at Sayo's answer.

The pair then looked at y/n, her answer mattered most to them.

y/n looked up.

She wanted to tell them, 'that's great. Congratulations.' With the fakest and dumbest smile ever but she couldn't do it anymore.

Love or Work!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz