Level 10- Don't be obvious!

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It was Monday again and as usual y/n was late out of bed. She rushed around trying to make sure that everything was ready. She raced to the kitchen expecting to see her breakfast and packed lunch but no. There was nothing.

Then she remembered.

Yui spent the night at Oikawa's.

y/n felt herself slump.

What was she going to do.

There was only one thing she could do.

She went to her glass piggy bank and brought a hammer.

With tears in her eyes she lifted the the hammer up and was about to lower her arm when her phone rang.


"y/n! Are you.. crying."

y/n sniffled. "..no."

"I was just calling to say that I made you some lunch here and that I will give it to you at work."


"...I know how much you want that new game so I thought I would help you out, just know this isn't forever."

"Thank you Yuiii, I'll see you at work. Love you."

"Well, yeah....," she paused. "I love you too." She muttered.

y/n looked at the time. It was 7:59. She got all her stuff and rushed out of the house.

The bus was just pulling up to her stop. Luckily for her there was a long line of people waiting to get on.

While she was on her way there she felt a tug on the edge of her blazer. When she looked back she saw a child that couldn't be older than 7.

"H-hello ma'am..."

She bent down to his level. He had tears in his eyes.

"What wrong? Aren't you meant to be on your way to school?"

He nodded.

"I was walking with my uncle but then he disappeared round a corner and I didn't see where he went," he started breathing heavily. "And now I don't know where he is." By this point the boy was crying.

"Don't cry, I'm going to get some help and then we will get you to school." She brought out her phone and dialled a number.

"I need some help, I promise I can explain later. Also can you tell Oikawa- kun that I'm going to be late, thanks. Bye."

After a minute Iwaizumi came out of the building. He saw y/n with a child and was confused.

"I didn't know you had a brother?"

"I don't. This leads me to the reason why I called you. We need to get him to school."

"Don't you think his parents will be looking for him."

"Yes but they don't know where he is so our best chance of getting him to his family is if we get him to the place they know. Isn't that right" y/n looked at the child. He smiled.

"Let's get you to school." She put her hand out in front of the boy to hold.

"So where is school?"

She had gotten so caught up in the role of a helper she forgot to even ask where they were going.



"So Akio, what is your school called?"

"SJ elementary school."

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