Level 28: Don't miss your chance!

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y/n POV

y/n had finally finished all her work for the day.

Not having Oikawa beside her and working through some of her break helped because she was done 15 minuets early.

With permission from her supervisor, she got ready to go home.

"Maybe you were quicker today because you wanted to see Kuroo." She asked herself.

She shook her head, getting rid of all of those thoughts.

"Took you long enough."

She stopped in her tracks.

She looked back at him.

"Oh... it's you..."

Iwa rolled his eyes.

He was walked up to her with a stern look on his face.

If y/n wasn't in the situation she was in she would have it admit it was kinda hot.

"y/n," the way he said her name sent shivers down his spine.

"We need to talk."

She was angry.

Who did he think he was

After everything that happened he still thought he had the right to tell her what to do.

y/n was stubborn. She wished that they could talk it out and get back to the peak of their relationship.

But something was holding her back.

"He ditched you for Sayo. Don't forgive him. He will only do it again."

She took a step towards him, copying his angry expression.

"And what will you do if I choose to walk away? You're not the boss of me. I'll talk to you when I want to."

She took a step to her left.

He blocked her way.

"y/n stop being stubborn and listen to me."

"Make. Me."

She stared at him, she saw red.

But before she could stop herself.

Their lips met.

It's like all her anger melted away.

She was on cloud nine.

And oh, how it felt good.

"......y/n....." he whispered in her ear.

She nodded her head.

"y/n...." he repeated a little louder.

"Iwa," she whispered back.

Her eyes were still closed but she had a goofy smile slapped on her face.


She opened her eyes and straighten her back.


She looked around.

Iwa wasn't in sight.

How annoying.

"Are you ready to go now?"


She got into Kuroo's car and looked beside her.

Iwa was sat in his car staring into space.

She slam of y/n's car door seemed to break his trance.

She looked at his a smile starting to form on her face.

Iwa gave her a glance before rolling his eyes and driving off.

"Who's he?" Kuroo questioned.

She jumped.

She totally forgot he was there.

"Just a coworker."

Kuro squinted his eyes before nodding and driving off.

y/n was sat in the car like a child who had just been told off. Her eyes didn't leave her lap.

Kuro glanced over at her every so often wondering what to say.

The radio was the only thing breaking this awkward silence.

"We're playing some throwbacks now so get your groove on."

y/n laughed to herself.


.....yeah yeah"

y/n jumped up.

She gasped, "I love this song."

Kuroo's lips turned upwards as y/n started singing the lyrics.

He joined in.

They had gotten back to the house by this point but they were enjoying the music.

"Am I original." y/n shouted out.

"Yeah yeah" Kuroo added

"Am I the only one?"

He looked deeply into her eyes.

"Yeah yeah"

Even though it was quite cringe to admit, it was at this moment that she knew he meant it.

She hesitated to sing the next lyric.

"Am I sexual?"

His eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips.

They both slowly started to lean in.

Their lips met.

The only thing she could think was

"He's warm."

She thought he would be the rough kind of kisser but he was quite the opposite.

The kiss was short and sweet


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