Cut Scene 1- Yui

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This chapter will be narrated by YUI, 25

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This chapter will be narrated by
YUI, 25

Oikawa and myself? How did it start?, Yui sighed. It's so long and embarrassing. If I'm going to tell you I may as well start at the beginning.

It all erupted when we were both got promoted to supervisors.

"Tanaka," he waved her down. "I guess I'll be seeing more of you from now on."

He smiled at me. This was not the reason I fell for him, I'm not an idiot. Don't get me wrong, he is good looking but there was a rumour going around about how much of a flirt Oikawa was so I was shocked that he would even go for the job. I saw him as an irresponsible man-child.

"Yes, I assume we will." And with that I walked away from him hoping to never see him again. Oh, how I was wrong.

I noticed a big issue I had with Oikawa almost immediately after working with him, he was a procrastinator. He always left his work to the last second and that really pissed me off. I like everything in order so to having to work with my exact opposite was a nightmare.

But I guess the saying 'opposites attract' is true.

I would have to constantly chase him around looking for the missing pieces of work.

"Oikawa, have you counted the supplies of paper on your side."

"Nope, Tana-chaan! I'll do it later."

He made my blood boil. He was the only one who would tell me they would do something I asked them to do later, everyone else would rush to get it done. And that stupid nickname, Tana-chan. I hated how dumb it was and I hated it more just because he was the one who gave it to me.

I can say confidently that I HATED Oikawa.

But he never understood that, and if he did he chose to ignore it.

"Tana-chan come sit with us."

He was at a table with a few more of our colleagues.

I declined out of spite and the fact that I didn't know what to say to them. I've never really had friends. I've always thought as long as I have y/n I'll be fine; that's why it may seem like I'm so possessive of her, selfish I know.

As I walked past I heard one of them say something.

"Why did you even bother inviting her, she's such a bitch."

I froze in my spot. Is that what people thought of me. I didn't want to come off like that it's just I didn't want them to have to put up with my awkwardness.

My eyes began to sting.

Then I heard something I never thought I would hear.

"Don't be so rude."

I looked back at the table and saw Oikawa with the most serious expressions plastered on his face.

"Have you ever thought that maybe she doesn't like too much interaction."

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