Level 16: Why were you so nice to me?

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Sayo's POV

y/n walked out of the house and slammed the door shut.

Sayo didn't know what to do now that she wasn't here. Her plan was to annoy y/n but now that she was gone she had no reason being here.

"Food anyone? I brought some cake..."

She was ignored.

"So selfish! She can't even be happy for me this one time. I do everything to help her and now I want her to think about me and she gets angry?"

Sayo understood how Yui felt. She was the eldest of her 4 siblings so she was always treated harsher than them. She was meant to be their role model.

Sayo would do anything for them even if it meant she would get in trouble and in most cases it did. If one of her siblings broke a plate or hurt themselves she would always take the fall so they could be happy.

This caused her happiness to plummet and the relationship between her and her single mother to worsen.

All she wanted was the validation of her mother.

When Sayo told her mother about her new job she was shocked when she found arms wrapped tightly around her.

"I've never told you this Sayo but I am so proud of you and everything you have become."

Her mother cupped her face.

For some odd reason Sayo's eyes began to sting.

She turned away from her mother and wiped her eyes before quickly turning back.

"I'm happy to hear you say that."

She smiled but her tears were uncontrollable.

Her mother sat closer to her and wiped every tear from her face.

"I know I haven't been the nicest mother but you are my pride and joy. You looked after your siblings when I worked, you made food for us when I was tired, you are one of the best things that happened in my life."

This all felt like a dream.

And it was.

Sayo didn't tell her mother about her new job because she didn't even know how to get in contact with her.

When Sayo moved out she bought her first phone. It wasn't a fancy one, just a cheap one that could call and text.

She never had the courage to go back to her childhood house, she never had the courage to see her.

After time Sayo became a strict woman who wouldn't take anything from anyone.

She had become her mother without noticing.

This caused a rift between her and her coworkers. They all thought she was stuck up and rude.

At first it hurt her; she would often cry herself to sleep.

But after awhile she got used to the room going quiet when she walked in, she got used to everyone avoiding her table. She got used to the stares.

Well that's what she told herself.

It was a 3rd of December.

The day was like any other except today it had started to snow.

She looked at it and smiled. She was reminded of the snow days she and her siblings would have. 

She then remembered how much trouble she would get into for playing in the cold.

She turned away and looked back at her work.

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