Level 22: Why am i like you?

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Sayo continued.

"Along the lines my mum met a guy from the strip club. He was a rich accountant, you could tell my mother had a type. I was told to call him Shima-san.

Not even after 6 months of being together, they got married. It was a small one, Shima's excuse was that he didn't want to waste a lot of money on it and my mum being the lovesick woman she was, agreed.

I remember being the flower girl of the wedding and Gordon being the best man. That should say something about how many friends this guy had since he had known Gordon for less than 4 weeks.

I didn't mind having a new dad, if anything I was happy.

Seeing my mum smile for the first time in months was enough.

Gordon, on the other hand, was more hesitant.

I would catch him on the computer searching this guys name up trying to find his social media but it seemed that he was just a normal guy.

That was until Gordon came across something.

"Yuki! Yuki! You need to see this!"

Gordon ran into the kitchen.

"Look at this."

In his hand was a sheet of paper.

"What is-"

Her sentence was cut short once she saw the paper.

Her mouth became dry.

"All this time he's being lying to you Yuki. His work, his car everything! Even his name!"

"M-maybe that's a twin brother."

Yuki knew she was wrong but didn't want to admit it.

"He has a wife and 3 kids. This whole time when you thought he was going to work he was seeing them."

"Gordon please..."

She had no words.

"Yuki, why? Why are you putting up with this? Why don't you-"

"I'm pregnant Gordon! That's why!"

She broke down.

"I- I told him the news this morning and he was happy.

For so long I have felt alone.

Yes I have you and Sayori but once you leave and once she gets older who will I have?

No one.

So please, if you care about me. Drop all of this and forget all you saw."

Gordon didn't respond.

He looked into Yuki's eyes as they welled up with tears.

"Please Gordon."

He looked up at her and nodded his head.

Yuki gave him a hug. He did not hug her back.

He was disappointed that the strong woman he knew had fallen prey to love.

"That was the start of the troubles in the house.

8 months later my sister Yuno was born. She had my mothers black hair and Shima's navy blue eyes.

I remember thinking how beautiful she was. She was always giggling and even when she cried it was easy to cheer her up.

For the first time in my 7 years of life I felt like I didn't have to rely on Gordon to be by my side. I had a sister now that I had to look out for.

Love or Work!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang