~Club Business~

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~Ellas' POV~

It's been a week since I left Jax up at the cabin, and a week since Chibs and I decided to try to be together, to take things slow and just get used to each other. I still live at Chibs but we aren't sleeping together, I'm honestly not ready, I need a little more time to heal and get over all the bullshit with Jax. Today's our first church meeting since my little relationship thing when I caught Jax flirting with that girl in the shop. Today though we're voting on removing him from his vice president seat, I think I might vote in either Tig or Opie depending on where they stand with the guys. I walked into the shop to see Gemma, Sky and the rest of the guys sitting around the table waiting for me. I carried Jewel in her seat and set her under the table so we can begin, I took my seat at the head of the table and spoke.

"Alright guys, how's everyone doing?"

They all nodded their heads and I continued.

"Good, well since Jax hasn't bothered to show up yet, let's get started, first order of business new VP, what do y'all think?"

Opie spoke first.

"Honestly guys, I don't think we should be talking about this till the current VP shows up..."

Jax walked into the room smelling of sex and booze taking his seat at my right hand side.

"You were saying Opie?"

"Right, proceed."

"Okay so all for a new VP say I."

Jax looked around.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, what the fuck's going on? We don't need a new VP."

I looked at him and laughed a little.

"Well, you've been absent from the shop, and recent runs that you were set to. What you want to be rewarded for getting drunk and fucking anything with legs?"

He didn't say anything.

"That's what I fucking thought so as I was saying, all those in favor of voting in a new VP say I."

I saw all hands go up around the table including Jax.

"Okay, motion carried, I'm going to make two suggestions everyone is allowed to vote except for those suggested, got it."

They all nodded.

"Tig, and Opie, think it over a few moments and then we will reconvene in five."

We all stood from our seats and walked out of the room, I layed Jewel down for her nap while Chibs came over and gave me a hug.

"So who are you gonna vote in?"

"Can't say, what about you?"

"Can't say."

I laughed.

"I want you to stay with me tonight, Jewel can stay in the guest room."

"Chibs, I don't..."

I was cut off by his lips being lightly placed to mine, when we pulled away he looked into my eyes.

"Just to sleep, I promise we won't do anything else, just sleep."

"Alright, fine but just to sleep."

"Yes ma'am."

"Ew, don't call me that."

He laughed a little nodding his head.

"Alright, hun."

"Now that I can live with..."

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