~Two Years Later~

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~Ellas' POV~

It's been two years since the war and since then things have been going great for not only my family, but for the club two. My family is about to become a lot bigger, Chibs and I are getting married in a matter of two days and I'm super excited. Another exciting thing is that I'm pregnant and I haven't told Chibs yet. I'm waiting till after the wedding which sadly I won't be able to drink at. The club has gotten a lot more members considering how each of the guys fell in love with one of the girls from the club. After I killed James the guys went and freed all the girls while Chibs sat in the hospital with me. So the S&D's of Anarchy is growing day by day with new guys and new girls that want to join and I couldn't be happier about it. Jax is back in the club and doing better than ever, sadly he can't get any more tattoos but he said it doesn't really matter just as long as he has his family back. Gemma and Sky are doing so much better after the incident with James men they kinda went into deep depression. When they found out that Chibs and I were getting married that kinda snapped them out of it and things changed a lot. Abel and Jewel are now best friends and granted she's two and he's six, he looks out for her and I can see a future there for the two of them oddly enough. They may be four years apart but look at Chibs and I were like seven years apart, so what does age really matter when you're in love?

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