Fixing Broken Ties

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Chapter 9

I walked down the stairs heading towards the door where Stiles was waiting outside in the jeep.

“Hey Ann got a second?” Derek calls. I stop and turn around and nod.

“What's up?” I ask.

He lets out a sigh. “I need you to stay away from the twins, okay? I don't want you to go after them.”

“Who says I will?” I counter.

“You're related to me and stupid ideas might be hereditary. Getting revenge is a bad idea this time.” I roll my eyes.

“Who's the guy who wanted revenge for Laura, and who wanted revenge for our family? You and Peter. The people who I looked up to my whole life and who taught me everything I know. I'm just following my teachings.”

“I think she's right.” Cora interjects as she appears on the steps.

“No, she's not she's a Beta going against Alphas, she's gonna get killed.” Derek argues.

“Well, I let you too figure this out I'm going to school.” I call as I walk towards the door.

“Anna I'm serious. Don't go after them.” Derek calls after me.

I never said I wasn't going to so when I do. I won't be lying.


I went to a few of my classes and was about to shut my locker when Stiles was behind me.

I turned around and leaned against my locker. “What are you doing?” I drawl out.

“A guy can't see his girlfriend without his motives questioned?” Stiles counters.

I roll my eyes. “Not usually and by the way Derek lectured me this morning and I know he called you and Scott to watch me.” I point out.

Stiles looks down, he knows I caught him. “He doesn't want you to get hurt and I agree with him, which never happens. I mean never.”

“I'm not five I can take care of myself.” I point out as I put the lock on my locker.

“Does it matter if I don't want you to get hurt? Does my feelings about your safety matter?” I turn back to face them.

“I'm fine. Don't worry.”

He lets out a sigh and crinkles his noise the way he does when he's angry.

“Fine, do what you want.” He walks away from me.

“Stiles!” I call after him. He keeps walking.

“Great.” I mutter.


I kept stewing over what Derek and Stiles said. But I can't help but feel Cora was right about this one. If I never did one more thing for her. I could at least get her revenge. She told me how she felt about Boyd the night Derek left. She was close with him, closer than he and I had been even though we were friends.

All these thoughts boiled in my mind and I just couldn't take it anymore. I was tapping my pen on my notebook and I then raised my hand. “Mr. Lenig can I go to the bathroom?”

He nods his head. I leave my books. I follow Aiden's scent which is near Lydia's. I didn't want to get her involved. I like Lydia she isn't that bad. I hope she doesn't get caught in the cross fire.

I flick out my claws and draw the large spiral on the glass of the door.

“What the hell is that?” Lydia questions.

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