Chapter 43: BY HIS SIDE

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Laila walks down the stairs, finding Sandra on her way up with a bowl of fruits.

"My Lady, let's head up I have your-"

"No, I'd like to stay in the kitchen please"

Nodding, they head down to the kitchen that is surprisingly empty. She was wrong, the castle has definitely changed.

"Sandra, why is everyone suddenly missing?" she asks, taking a seat.

"Ever since all his women left there has-"

"What? When did they leave? Did he tell them to go?"
Sandra shakes her head, taking a seat beside her. "It was after he killed Mara and the physician."

"So they were upset he hung them?" she asks, trying to piece things together.

"Hung? My lady, he drove a sword through the physician's back and stabbed Lady Mara as they were embracing. All eight women were standing there as he did this, and they said his face held no emotions at all. It's clear they expect such from King Xerxes, but not him. I think the turning point was when they realized he does not love them so they were basically wasting their time and putting themselves on the line because it seemed like the king would kill anyone for not breathing properly."

Laila can't believe her ears, he told her he had them hung!

"Maybe he was scared you would not come with him if he said he killed them with his bare hands?" Sandra shrugs.

"...So, they all left at the same time?"

"No, Regina was the first to leave, Georgi was the last. She stayed with him, maybe trying to see if she could win him over despite the fact she was scared of him. I admire her courage, she had to give up in the end."

"So the maids are only in the kitchen when they need to serve the king or his men?"

Did Stephan really lie to her out of fear? Either way, she's still upset that he's lying! Then again, who is she to complain, when she's keeping the biggest secret between them.

Finishing her fruits, she sends Sandra to rest for the day, as she heads back up to his chambers. Truth be told, the mere fact that he came to get her, today out of all days, has moved her. Stephan never changes his routine or tradition for anyone, but he did it for her.

Entering inside, she sees him asleep on the bed. Quietly crawling on the mattress, she studies his face. How can he look so perfect when he's asleep? Her eyes drop to his hand. Why didn't she see that before! He's wearing the gold jewelry she made for him, on his wrist.

Suppressing her smile, she leans in, kissing his forehead, before whispering, "Happy Birthday, My Lord."

Lying down, her eyes bulge out when he moves to wrap his arm around her whispering back, "Thank you, princess."

She could've sworn he was asleep!

Clearing her throat she says, "I am still upset with you."

His chuckle makes her pout. Does he think she is joking? Turning she looks at his amused face.

"...Why did you lie about Mara and the physician?"

His smile slowly drops, as he sighs, "Who told you?"

"That's not the answer to my question."

Studying her, he nods, before facing the ceiling "Your maid."

"I did not say anyone's name."

"But it was her."

"...Are you going to kill her?"

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