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"That's all the plans for the sports day. We'll review the details tomorrow and start preparing." Our president said as she concludes the discussion.

"At least we'd be cut off work for a while." Nako said as she stretched her arms.

"They definitely saw how I do with running from before, why the hell did they choose me for the relay race?" I complained.

"Well, everyone has something else to do so just try your best and make use of your long legs." Hitomi said while tapping my shoulder.

Right at the moment, a loud voice was heard calling for my name. Who else could it be but Eunbi.

"Do you need something?" I asked as I approached her.

"Can you take the photos for the sports day?" She asked. Although it looks like she asked, I have a feeling I don't really have a choice.

"Is there no one else available? What about that photo journalist from 10th grade?" I tried asking.

"That ass went and dropped out of school for a talent audition. I'm still pretty annoyed but I don't really have a say on his life decisions." Eunbi said as she slightly massages her temple.

I simply let out a sigh. I can't believe a senior student could be so reckless. I agreed to doing the task since I was assigned for taking photos of the morning activities. The relay race was in the afternoon so my schedule didn't collide.

"You can check out the equipment after class. It's in the club room." Eunbi said and then left.

I was hoping I could sleep in and go to school late on sports day though.

"Seeing how Eunbi relies on you, I guess your eligible for the EIC." Yuri said when I came back to my seat.

"That's the scariest thing I've heard today." I said and acted like I'm creeped out.

As soon as classes ended, I proceeded to the club room. Well, Yuri went home immediately, what more can I do?

There was no one in the club room when I arrived. Eunbi and the others must be really busy.

I started working on the camera. I was busy meddling with it that I didn't notice someone came in.

"You look busy."

"What the— You surprised me!"

"I guess you were the one assigned to fill the senior that dropped out." Yujin took another camera and sat beside me. She's also a photo journalist.

"Yeah, unfortunately. I'll have to go around taking pictures in the morning then proceed to running in the afternoon. Pretty hectic." I replied.

"Running? You? That's kind of surprising." She said and laughed.

"It's not that I want to. I didn't have a choice!" I exclaimed.

"You always say you don't have a choice but you actually do. It's just that you don't bother making it out of consideration for others. Think of yourself sometimes, will you?" She suddenly said.

I didn't bother replying and went back to working on the camera when I suddenly hear a shutter sound.

"What the heck?" I told her.

"It's fine. It came out well because you're pretty anyway." She just said and went back to her business.

I hate her so much. I'll never understand her.

After we finished checking the cameras, we started to head home.

Right before we went out the gate, a guy called out to Yujin.

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