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"Wonyoung!!! Your friends are here!!" Seungwoo's voice resonated inside the house. This man must think I'm deaf or something.

"Don't stay out too late. Take care." He said as I walked out of the house. I simply nodded and waved goodbye.

As soon as I got out, I saw Yuri and Junho peeking out of a car window. Junho offered to take us via their family car so all the more convenient. I immediately went to the backseat and saw someone else was sitting beside Yuri.

"Oh, by the way, that's Rei. She's a family friend." Junho spoke from the passenger seat.

"I'm Rei! We're the same age, by the way." She offered her hand for a handshake.

"Jang Wonyoung. Let's get along well." I said and smiled.

We acquainted ourselves and it didn't take us long to get close since we have quite a lot of similarities. After making our way through the traffic, we finally arrived. As per planned, Junho paid for our tickets. He's being way too generous lately it's getting suspicious.

"To be honest, I'm not good at riding intense rides." I confessed as we were already lining up for the gyro drop.

"Then why the heck are we even here? All three of us can't do this." Yuri complained, ready to leave the queue.

"Nope! No one's leaving! You're grown ups now! You should at least try suspense once in your life!" Junho said as he blocked Yuri from leaving, while his legs were obviously shaking as well.

"But you're scared, too!" I exclaimed.

"Jeez. Junho and his habits of trying to act cool again. Let's just find another ride!" Rei also joined in.

"I agree—" Yuri got cut off as we were already instructed to get on the ride. The entire ride was hell. It felt like I was only a lump of flesh as my soul left me behind.

After about 10 minutes of regretting our life decisions, we decided to walk around while munching on some snacks.

"Hey, where's Rei?" Junho suddenly asked.

"She was here earlier?" Yuri replied and we started to scan the area.

At a distance, Rei was slowly running towards us holding a Kuromi plushie.

"Rei! Where have you been?" I asked her when she got near.

"Gosh. You guys walk too fast." Rei complained, "I just went and got this cute plushie and then next thing I knew, you guys disappeared."

We spent the rest of the day playing around. Also bought a few cute stuffs and Rei and I really be liking the same things. She's really easy going, too!

We tried a lot of rides, except for the really scary ones. We're all cowards here, you see.

"Junho, aren't you awkward to be hanging out with the girls?" Rei asked as we sat down on a bench eating our gelatos.

"I literally grew up surrounded by girls, Rei. Why would it be awkward now?" Junho said and did an eye roll.

"Oh, I thought it was because you liked the princess or Yuri that you keep hanging out with them." Rei said and laughed.

"No way I would like Yuri like I'd rather die. And wait, princess? Who? Wonyoung?" Junho answered, "And also, no way I'd like Wonyoung too. She's like a sister to me."

"Hmm, we're cool then. Wonyoung's my princess now." Rei said as she clung to my arm.

"Why am I 'princess' tho?" I asked, obviously confused.

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