Chapter 24

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You don't realise how fast your 4 years of highschool go by until your walking up onto the stage to accept your diploma. It's been a roller coaster ride that's for sure. When I got across the stage, I turned and saw my parents, grandparents, Taylor's family, as well as Hayes's all standing up clapping and cheering for me. I smiled wide and continued off the stage, I was officially done with highschool and ready to start my life!

After graduation was over, I went to a lunch with my parents and caught them up on everything that's been happening lately. They told me how the ran into Nash the other day in L.A. and how it was so good to see him. They wanted us back together, but I couldn't say the real reason why we broke up, I don't want the pity.

When lunch we finished lunch, I went back to the house and my parents went off the do their own thing, while I escaped to my room to start packing. We were moving to New York in 2 days, and I have yet to start packing my stuff! My parents sent an interior designer to purchase all the furniture and appliances for our apartment, while also designing our bedrooms as a graduation gift to us all.

------- 1 month later---------
New York City living was definitely the best! It's so beautiful here, and there is always something to do! The past few days have been a little lonely though, since Taylor went with Hayes to L.A. for a few weeks. They begged me to join them as one last hoorah before we started classes, but I wouldn't go there with them, especially since they were staying with Nash.

Nash POV
I opened the door, seeing that it was only Hayes and Taylor. "She didn't come did she?" I asked Hayes

"No, but can you really blame her?"

"No, it was a long shot to thing she would come here. How is she?"

"She's doing great, going on lots of dates actually" Taylor quipped

I knew that was aimed at me, and it hurt me that she was seeing other guys, but I'm glad she moved on, even though I haven't. "Oh... good for her" I faked a smile.

The good thing about Hayes living in New York City with Heather, is that I would be able to go stay with him and see her; even though she probably doesn't want me around.

L.A. has been great, don't get me wrong, but everywhere I go, something is missing. I'm missing my other half. All the guys are trying to set me up with other girls, but I've realised I don't want to be with anyone else besides Heather. I will always hate my self for what I did, and now that she's gone, I know just how much I need her in my life.

Heather POV
I had just gotten off the phone with Harry's assistant and planned to go suprise him in Sydney, Australia at the One Direction concert. We had been trying to figure out a time for me to fly out to see him, but we never made any actual plans.

Hayes and Taylor had informed me that they were staying in L.A. for the rest of summer, before classes begin, which is two months. They had welcomed to me come out there but I think we all know that's never going to happen.

My flight for Sydney leaves tomorrow morning and I will only be there for a few days, but it's worth the trip to see one of my bestfriends. Once I was all packed, I ordered some Chinese food then went to bed.

The plane ride was long, but I slept through most of it, as usual. Once I stepped on to the tarmack and the sun hit my skin, I knew it would be a great trip. I headed for the exit and hailed a cab, which took me to the hotel.

My room ended up being on the floor right below the boys, but I didn't mind. I changed out of my plane outfit into a loose navy blue crop top and white shorts with a lace overlay and circular trim. Once I finished getting ready, I took a cab to the stadium, where I would surprise Harry, sitting front row.

I Need Your Love (Nash Grier)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon