Chapter 2

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Hair and outfit up top if your on your phone or sidebar if on a computer


Heather POV

I had just gotten home from the beach with Nash when my phone blaring, signaling me that I got a text

*text conversation*


Hey so I was wondering if you wanted to do our date tomorrow?




Great! I will pick you up at..... 11?


11 sounds great! What are we doing?


That's for me to know and you to find out!


Good, I love suprises! What should I wear?


Casual for the day, but at night, I am going to drop you off and we are going somewhere very fancy. So I will leave you to get ready, as will i, then I will come and pick you up and we will head out!


I am so excited for tomorow!


So am I! I'm totally exhausted so im going to head off to bed!


Ok! Sleep well Nash, goodnight✌️


Goodnight beautiful😘

I couldn't help but blush at his last text. He just had that affect on me when I am around him, even after only knowing him for a day.

I walked up the stairs to the large empty mansion, with my grandparents gone for the next 2 weeks in Paris. Entering my room, I head to the grand bathroom, turning the shower to scolding hot. I loved the hot water buring and relaxing me. I stripped off my clothes and hopped in.

Once I changed into my pajamas, I went downstairs to make myself a small snack, being to exhausted to eat a full dinner. I had a yogurt, then headed off to bed, setting my alarm for 9:30a.m., giving myself enough time to get ready.


I woke up, not wanting to get out of bed. I layed there for a few minutes, finally pulling myself from the comfort of my bed.

I went downstairs to see that Renata (the maid) had set my breakfast out on the table. It consisted of chopped strawberries, bananas, green grapes, and pineapple. Once I finished, I thanked Renata, convincing her that I could do my own dishes. I headed upstairs to my bathroom and started working on my messy hair. It was long and tangled, so I just brushed it out and stuck it into a French Fishtail Braid. Once that was finished, I moved onto makeup and applied a light line of black eyeliner, then some mascara on my top and bottom lashes.

I wear makeup most of the time, but I never clump it into my face. That's just not my style. I walked over to my closet picking out a white tanked croptop, with a pair of light wash high waisted shorts. Finishing the outfit, I got out my black simply coach handbag.

I got a text from Nash, notifying me that he was on his way. 2 minutes later, Renata was knocking at my bedroom door, letting me know that Nash was waiting in the foyer.

I walked into the foyer, greeting Nash with a hug. We got into his Jeep, blasting the music. The whole ride we sang along to every song we knew. I was already having a blast, and we haven't even done anything yet.

When we got into town, there was a mini carnival. My eyes grew wide as I looked at Nash " CAN WE GO? PLEASE PLEASE I LOVE CARNIVALS!!!!" I pleaded, grabbing his arm, jumping up and down.

" Lucky for you, this is what I had in mind anyway!" He laughed

I hooked our arms, dragging Nash to the entrance. When we got to the ticket counter, I was taking my Mastercard out to pay, but I was too late. Nash had payed before I even got the chance to.

" I was going to pay for our tickets" I rolled my eyes at him

"Sorry babe, not going to happen" He sent me a dashing smile

"Fine. At least let me pay for snacks throughout the day?" I begged

"I guess so" he replied

We went on so many rides already, I was having the time of my life! We were currently sharing a giant cotton candy, even though we just ate hotdogs. I've always been insecure about myself, but being around Nash, all my insecurities escape my mind.

We were heading onto the Ferris Wheel to finish up our day at the Carnival, since we needed to leave soon to get ready for dinner.

It took forever but we finally got to the top of the ride. "Wow" I breathed out

"I know" he murmured

The view was breath taking. You could see for miles from how high we are. Even though its summer time, it was a little chilly up here with the wind blowing.

"Are you cold" Nash asked with concern

"Just a little, i'm fine!" I shrugged it off

"C'mere" he gestured, pulling me into his arms

This felt right. Us. Together. Like it was meant to be. We sat there together in eachothers arms for what felt like forever. Sadly, the moment ended when the ride came to a stop and the worker basically forced us off in a rude manner. We left right after, him dropping me off after the short drive.

As I was getting out, I leaned over giving Nash a lingering kiss on the cheek. I watched as he quickly turned bright red. I giggled to myself at the effect I had on him. I hurried upstairs to start getting ready for a great night.


Authors Note-

heeelloo hoped you liked this chapter, I stayed up till 3am writing it! Hopefully I will update tomorrow! Comment and Vote please! Tomorrow the last 5 dates of the Jack and Jack digi tour come out and I really hope Florida is one of them!

I Need Your Love (Nash Grier)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora