Chapter 6

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Heather POV

It was the ending of the first day of the 26MGMT tour. Tomorrow there is another show, then the boys have a day off, then the last show in LA. After the last show here in LA, they have a free day in LA, then the boys and Mahogony go to Las Vegas and then on, while Taylor and I go home.

It was hard today, I saw a lot of girls from my old school here, at the event, and they came up to me. They told me how I was still a slut, and just ran away to make it clear to the world that I'm a whore.

I could see them telling Nash and he would glance over at me. The look was different though, he seemed ashamed almost. I wasn't sure if some of the girls had told him what had happened, or if they just said that I was a slut.

The whole car ride home, Nash only spoke a few words to me, and replied to everything with short responses.

I knew that what those girls said to him affected him, but he has no clue what actually happened.

For dinner, we all just got room service. Once Nash got his food, he went into our room, slamming the door in my face as I trailed behind him.

I walked into the room, sitting next to him on the bed "Nash, what's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing" he replied blankly

"Something is obvisously wrong, I'm not stupid" I rolled my eyes

"I said nothing, leave me alone" Nash coldly spat at me.

"If that's what you want" I muttered

Rolling his eyes "Please" he grumbled

I took my pillow, walking towards Matts room, since I was closest with him out of all the boys. I would stay with Tay, but she only had one bed for her an Hayes.

I slightly knocked on the door before opening it, revealing a shirtless Matt, in only boxers, laying in bed. "Are you okay?" He questioned me

"Yeah, uh Nash and I just got into a little fight and he wanted to be alone..." I trailed off.

"Can I stay in here?" I asked in high hopes

"Yeah, sure no problem!" He exclaimed, moving over patting the empty bed next to him.

We talked for awhile, I even told him about my past. We shared tears and some laughs throughout the night. I had a real good connection with Matt, I thought of him as my brother. We both slowly fell into the darkness of sleep.


"WHAT THE HELL" I was awoken by Nash yelling, looking at Matt and I.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Nash ran over, ripping Matt from the bed

"Dude chill, your the idiot who kicked her out if her room, and she had nowhere else to sleep. It's not like we were doing anything" Matt pushed him off

"Nash please stop. Nothing happened, trust me." I placed my hands in his

"Fine." Nash stomped out of the room

"I'm going to go start getting ready, but thank you for last night!" I hugged Matt

"Anytime little sis" He messed with my hair

I walked into Nash and I's room and he was sitting on the bed, facing away from me. I went over to him, sitting on the bed next to him. "Im sorry" I broke the silence.

Nash stood up walking out of the room

I wish he wasn't like this. He has no right to be mad at me. I decided that I would tell him about my past when he decided he would talk to me. I love him, I really do. We haven't said it to eachother yet, but I feel as if I have always known. But then again, what do I know about love. Last time it practically killed me.

I Need Your Love (Nash Grier)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ