Chapter 16

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Heathers POV

"No way, you didn't" I exclaim, laughing

It was Nash, Harry,Niall, Selena and I. We spent the whole day walking around New York City, shopping and having fun. We were now at dinner and Niall had just showed me the video of him hitting himself in the face with a basketball, breaking his sunglasses. It only added to the amount of laughter that had gone on today.

We had been walking through Central Park when we asked this guy to take a picture of us all together. The man ended up taking a bunch of pictures of himself instead of us, we all stood there and just laughed.

Thankfully, the next person actually took the picture of us. We ran into many fans, but they were all so polite.

The guys split the check for us, then we all said our goodbyes, planning to all hangout sometime soon again. Nash and I walked hand and hand back to the hotel. We got back to our room, putting pajamas on, laying in bed.

"Nash" I called to him

"Heather" he looked down to me

"I hate when your away, I miss your touch, your kissing, the butterflies you give me, your laugh, your smile, your eyes, you. I miss everything about you."

A single tear strayed down my face

"Being away from you is the worst part of the tour. I wish we could be together. " He sighed

We made the most of that night, enjoying each others company. Sadly, Sunday came and we had to leave eachother again. I would be seeing Nash soon though, just a few weeks before he's coming back home for Thanksgiving, then staying with me the whole month of December.

----4 weeks later, Thanksgiving Day----

"What's your favorite part of Thanksgiving?" I asked Nash

"Probaly the food, what's yours?" He smirked at me

"I love sitting here with you, watching the parade" I pressed a slow kiss to his lips

We watched the parade, enjoying eachothers company, curled up on the coach together, while Hayes and Taylor were cooking. It was smelling really good for awhile, until something started to burn.

"Do you smell that?" I plugged my nose

"Yeah, lets go see what's going on"

We got up, walking into the kitchen seeing Hayes and Taylor through the window outside. They were supposed to be in here, making the food.

I opened up the oven, smoke billowing out. I started coughing rapidly from inhaling it. Nash ran over to him, escorting me outside while he grabbed the fire extinguisher, putting out the fire in the oven, that was once the pie and turkey.

Hayes and Taylor ran inside, then looked at Nash and I " What happened?" they asked

"Oh you guys just forgot about the turkey and pie and they caught on fire, were screwed. We are supposed to have everyone over in 3 hours for a thanksgiving feast, what do we do now?"

Nash picked his keys off the counter

" we go find ourselves a Thanksgiving dinner and DO NOT tell the family that we didn't make it"

We all got into Nash's car, heading to the nearest grocery store. We ran up to the deli, asking if they happened to have any cooked turkey's left. They didn't have any left, but they had everything else we needed for the dinner. We dropped Taylor and Hayes off at the house, so they could set everything else up and get everything ready while Nash and I went turkey hunting.

We ended up going to 5 different stores, before finally getting a turkey. We rushed back to the house since we had to go so far to find a turkey.

I grabbed the turkey, sticking it in the microwave, to heat it up, then running up to Nash's room, hopping in the shower. I quickly blow dried my hair, curling it and threw on my dress and heels. I was wearing a red half sleeve dress, with red pumps.

As I was walking down the stairs, I bumped into Nash's parents and Skylynn who were just getting back from the beach. They said that the food looked and smelt delicious and that they couldn't wait to eat it.

Not long after, everyone started to show up. Once everyone was here, we walked over to the table, taking our seats.

Everyone dug into there food, awing at the taste. Everyone thanked us and said that we made such a good dinner. We held back laughs as they told us that.

Everyone hungout and had a good time once we finished dinner. It was definelty the best Thanksgiving I've ever had. Growing up, either one of my parents weren't there, so whoever was home with me, would just take me out to eat. It was never really a family holiday for me.

I spent the night with Nash, playing board games and kissing... A lot. It was byfar the best Thanksgiving.


Im so so so so so sorry for not updating in so long, school just started and I've been busy! I felt bad so I quickly wrote this today. I'm not going to to set an exact day as to when I update, I will update when I can. I have such a good plan for this story! Please vote for me!!

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