Chapter 11

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Heather POV

I checked my phone, seeing the time. It was already 6pm and we were all meeting Adrianna and Annie at the club at 9. Nash and I had to start getting ready, or just me... I take a lot longer than he does! I leaned over to Nash, pecking his lips, telling him that I was going to get in the shower.

I walked into the bathroom, the cold tile floor giving me the chills from walking barefoot. I turned the water on hot, waiting for it to warm up. When it was finally hot, I hopped in. It had only been a few minutes, until Nash had snuck into the shower, scaring the shit out of me.

We finished up and I just through on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt to get ready in, while Nash put his outfit on. He was wearing a pair of kaki shorts and a red polo shirt. I walked back into the bathroom, doing my makeup and hair. I did a simple smokey eye, and made small curls, clipping two pieces together in the back.

I opened my suitcase, grabbing out a pair of black leather shorts, a black bandeau with a see through brown crop top, and a pair of cherry red pumps.

I slipped my outfit on, then walked into the living room where Nash was. "You look gorgeous" He told me, giving me a sweet kiss. I nudged him "You don't look too bad yourself".

It was now 7:30 and Nash and I wanted to go to dinner together before we went out. We were going to meet everybody at 9 at my dads club.

We got a cab, and we both wanted hibachi, so we went to Benihanah. We got into the resteraunt and were showed to our seats in front of the stove/grill. We both ordered steak and chicken.

I sat there in amazement, watching the chefs do his knife tricks, I looked over to Nash seeing him smile so wide. I quickly got my phone out, snapping a picture of him without him noticing. I posted it too instagram, putting in the caption 'Candid'.

He got the alert on his phone, looking down and opening up the picture. He smiled again and looked up at me "I didnt even realize you took a picture" he laughed

Nash took out his phone, going to instagram, taking a selfie of the 2 of us while putting in the caption ' last dinner date with my love for awhile'

I had him send me the picture of us, saving it to my camera roll. I went on instagram, liking the picture and slightly frowning at the caption " I wish it wouldn't have to be so long until we can see eachother"

"It doesn't have to be so long" Nash said

"I can't be missing school during the first month, you know that"

"I know, I just don't want to believe it..." He trailed off

I whispered "Neither do I"

The chef slid our food onto our plates, giving us all the sauces to dip them in. We were pretty hungry, so we chowed down our meal.

Nash payed the check, and tipped the chef then we left to the club. We met everyone outside and I went up to the bouncer, avoiding the long line. "Miss you need to go to the back of the line like everyone else" he turned me away

"I'm Heather Hyde, my father, Nathan Hyde owns this club" I smirked at the bouncer

" I will need a verification that your who you say you are" He stated

I showed him my drivers license and told him that I could call my dad and have him verify. The bouncer mumbled a quick sorry and let us all in.

We walked over to the VIP section and I told the worker who I was and she let us right in. We got the giant booth that fit us all and ordered a round of drinks.
We all took lots of rounds of shots.

I could feel the alcohol in my system, as I started feeling a little dizzy. I grabbed Nashs hand, pulling it "Lets go dance" I slurred.

We got to the dance floor and Nashs hands were firmly on my hands as we quickly moved to the fast pace music. After what felt like forever, we stopped dancing, making our way to the bar, ordering some fruity drink that sounded good.

I drank the whole thing in a matter of minutes before I was handed something much stronger. We went back to the table, pouring ourselfs glasses of the complimentary expensive champagne. Between the both of us, we downed the whole bottle, then head back to the dance floor.

We both were completely drunk and had no clue what we were doing. I pulled Nash into a heavy makeout session and I tasted the alcohol on his lips.

At one point, I went to the bathroom, and checked the time on my phone, it was 3:45am. I stumbled out of the bathroom, falling into a drunk, Nashs arms. We got to whats left of our group in the booth, seeing Hayes and Taylor ontop of eachother making out in the booth. We got them apart and went out to get a cab. We got in, then got back to the hotel quickly.

We got out of the cab and I took my heels off, telling Nash how my feet hurt. He slurred, telling me to jump on his back. I did and we got about 10 feet into the hotel, before we fell over. We got up and ended up supporting eachother up to the room. We got to our bed, collapsing on it, falling asleep in eachothers arms.

Authors Note-

I'm so sorry that this chapter is a day late, and that is so short! I was traveling all day on Sunday to New York and I will be here for the next two weeks. I will still be posting and the next chapter will be much longer! Please vote! It will help get my story more reconized!!

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