Chapter 21

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So I'm going to skip around this chapter in time wise, to speed up the story!

Kennedy hadn't been around much the rest of the trip, which was a good thing. But it was now time for Taylor and I to go back home and hopefully she would stay away while we're not there.

I tightened my grab around Nashs neck, not wanting to let go. "Last and final call for flight 377 to Charollote, North Carolina" Nash lifted my chin up, kissing me passionetly
"two months baby"

He wiped a stray tear off my face "That's a long time Nash"

"We'll make it through, I promise to call you everyday, I love you" he whispered the last part, kissing me once more

"I love you too" I slowly made my way towards the plane, Taylor doing the same.

"It's been a month so far... At first, Nash was calling me more than once a day, last week he started calling me every other day, maybe texting me. This past week, I've heard from him once in 5 days, what the hell does that mean Tay?" I buried my face into my hands, trying desperately not to cry

Taylor pulled me into a hug "Its ok, I'm sure he's just really really busy or maybe he lost his phone or it broke!"

"Have you talked to Hayes at all this week?" I asked

"Yeah, but he hasn't said anything"

"I should take a couple days off from school and go see him" I stated

"Heather, you can't just fly to wherever they are, when you think something's wrong! We're going to see them in a couple weeks, just wait and see. It may have just been a bad week for him"

"I guess your right...let me check something" I pulled out my phone, going to the calendar

"They have off 3 days before we go visit them, so I'm going to go early so Nash and I can have some downtime together with him not running all over the place with shows and photoshoots. I'll suprise him and they will be in London so I'll get there, have lunch or something with Harry and then have him drive me to Nash and suprise him!" I smiled widely at my idea

"That seems like a good plan!"
One month later----

"This boy is really pissing me off now. He called me once, two weeks ago and then texted me yesterday saying 'sorry, I was busy. What's up?' And didn't even answer when I texted him back" I once again, complained/ sulked to Taylor

"I'm done defending him, he's being a real asshole, I'll have Hayes talk some sense into him" she pulled out her phone, calling Hayes who answered on the first ring... I wish my boyfriend would do that

Taylor went off on Hayes about Nash and his asshole ways. I wish I knew what was going on with him. Hayes told Taylor he's been off the past couple weeks but won't say anything when anyone asks him if he's okay. I was positive everything would be okay after I see him tomorrow.

I woke up early, saying goodbye to everyone and heading to the airport. The flight went quick since I slept through the whole thing. I walked out of the airport into the parking garage, seeing Harry leaning against his car I ran over to him, jumping into his arms as he held them out for me. "I've missed you so much! It's been way too long, like 3 months?" He gave me a kiss on the cheek

"3 months too long im telling ya!" I laughed

"Do you want to go get dinner before I drop you off at the hotel?"

"Food sounds great! I'm starving!"
I clapped

"You can fill me in on what's going on while we eat too" Harry said

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