Chapter 10

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Heather POV

I woke up too early this morning. It was about 7:30am. I slipped out of the bed, stripping of my outfit from yesterday, putting on one of Nashs shirts. I went back to bed, cuddling up to Nash. He was so warm compared to the cold room. Being in the comfort of his arms, I fell right back to sleep.

Nash POV

I woke up and looked over at Heather. I admired the way her hair fell around her face. She was so beautiful. I'm going to miss her so much when I'm on tour. I'll be gone for 6 months, I know she will come out and see me from time to time, but it's still a long time. If she wasn't still in school, she would be with me now, unless she was going to college. Going around the world touring with my bestfriends is such a great opportunity, but I have to be away from Heather for so long.

Heathers eyes fluttered open, gazing up towards me. I leaned down, kissing her forehead "Goodmorning beautiful"

She smiled "Goodmorning"

Heather hopped out of bed, going into the bathroom to brush her teeth. I got out of bed, heading her way since I should brush mine also. I took off my shirt and shorts, leaving me in my boxers and went back into the bed. Heather jumped into the bed, ontop of me, kissing me passionately. "What do you want to do today" I asked

Heather layed her head down on my bare chest "I just want to stay here, cuddle and be with you"

"That sounds like a great idea" I sent her a smile

"Do you want to order room service? I really don't want to get out of bed to get food!" I asked Heather

"Food sounds wonderful right now! What time is it?" She raised her eyebrows

I grabbed my phone, along with the tv remote "It is.... 11:45, wow we slept late"

She picked up the room service menu and sat up leaning against me " I want breakfast and lunch... Like chocolate chip pancakes with a cheeseburger and....." She trailed of

"CHEESE FRIES... I want cheese fries!" she jumped in excitement

"That's a good idea, I'm going to get a Belgium waffle instead of pancakes though, and chicken tenders instead of a burger!" I told her

"Ooooo and we need popcorn for movies!" She clapped her hands

I grabbed the phone "I'm going to call in the order now"

After I placed our order, I turned the tv on, we searched through the channels until we settled on a marathon of Teen Wolf.

I heard a faint knocking outside of our room, at the front door. I jumped out of bed, going to the front door to get the food. It was an awkward encountering with the worker since I was only in my boxers. I took the tray, bringing it into the room.

We spread the food out around the bed, digging in.

This was by far, the best room service I have ever had. Heather and I finished, and we layed back, clutching our stomachs in pain.

"I think we ate a little too much" I laughed

"Mmhh" Heather mumbled, laying on my chest

She lifted her head up, looking into my eyes "I love you so much"

I leaned down placing a long kiss to her lips "I love you"

Heather POV

Tears brimmed my eyes as Nash kissed me "I don't want to be away from you for so long"

"You can always come with me" he slightly smiled

"You know I can't do that... I have school" a single tear slipped down my cheek

He used his thumb to wipe it away "Don't cry baby, it will be ok"

"Promise me that when your away, you won't do anything with other girls"

"I promise, but I will never be that guy. I would never do that to you."

I leaned over to the bedside table grabbing my MacBook "We should plan out when I can see you next"

"That's a great idea!" He smiled

"We will be in the U.S. for the first three months, then were going to Europe for the last three months"

"I can come and visit you once a month every month your gone" I looked up at him for his approval

"I wish you could come up more often though" He frowned

"I do too, but I can't be missing half a week of school a couple times in the month. It will be harder when you go to Europe because of the long flights, I would have to take two extra days off for the flight. I could leave early on a Thursday and catch a flight, the we can be together Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and most of monday, then I'll fly back Monday night on the U.S. part of the tour! Let's see the dates for the tour so we can just get it all settled!"

"The tour ends on April 10th and we have the whole month of December off!"

"You'll be home for my birthday" I smiled

"And for christmas, but we leave for Paris on December 28th" He said

"So we won't be together for New Years Eve?" I frowned

"Come with me" He demanded

My eyes went wide "What?"

"Come with me to Paris, you will be on winter break, come with me! You said yourself, you love Paris! It's the city of love anyway, and I heard that they have one of the best New Years celebrations there!" He pleaded

I bursted out in a grin, looking up to Nash "Were going to Paris"

Nash grabbed my face, kissing me passionetly

Nash ran out of bed, opening the door, yelling out that we were going to Paris. I jumped out of bed, leaping into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. I pressed a kisses to his lips. "Were" kiss "going" kiss "to" kiss "Paris" kiss.

I was so excited to go to Paris with Nash, only 3 months, the countdown begins!


Authors Note

I hoped you guys liked the chapter, I thought a cute little chapter would be good! Drama will be happening in the upcoming chapters, I just needed all this too happen first! And so everything works out, the ages are going to be different, Nash is going to be 18 turning 19, and Hayes is going to be 17 turning 18 because he needs to be a senior in high school along with Heather and Taylor. I just wanted this to be cleared up for future references.

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