Chapter 22

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Heather POV
It's been a week so far. I haven't left Harrys flat at all, I've barely gotten out of bed. I don't have an apetite, but Harry makes me eat something... mostly just icecream though. Taylor came, tried comforting me, but she left yesterday to go back home.

I feel so empty, all I've done is cry. I was supposed to leave 3 days ago to go back home, but I couldn't do it. I knew I would have to go back for school soon, so I booked my flight for thursday, and it was only Monday. Harry walked into the room, coming over to me, lifting me up over his shoulder. I had no energy, I just slumped over his shoulder, emotionless "Harry, what are you doing?"

"Your going to take a shower and get dressed, we're going out. " he set me down then turned the shower on

I slid down to the floor, leaning back against the bathtub, tears threatening to fall "don't make me go outside, into the world, please"

Harry sat down on the floor next to me "I know it's hard, and you don't want to do anything, but you need to move on with your life. You need to take control and get over him. Don't let him rule your life"

"It's just so hard and I don't know what to do, my heart was ripped out and torn into billions of pieces" I started crying.

He pulled me into his side, holding me "Your a strong person Heather, I know you can get through this. Just please, let me in, let me help you"

"Ok" I whispered

Harry asked me what I wanted to do and the only thing I could think of was getting really drunk and forget about everything. So we decided to go clubbing.

I got ready, and grabbed a short, very low cut black and white bodycon dress matched with black pumps. I walked out of the room into the living room, where Harry sat on the couch, watching tv, where his black jeans, and a black shirt "Wow" he breathed out

I winked at him, "thank you, you clean up pretty well yourself"

"We aim to impress" he smirked

We exited his apartment, hailing a cab as quickly as possible to avoid the paparazzi, then telling the driver to bring us to Funky Buddha.

Once we arrived, I headed straight for the bar, ordering a round of shots for Harry and I. I drowned one after another until Harry told me to slow down. After that, I left to go to the dance floor. As the alcohol made its way through my system, taking over my body, I completely let go. I starting dancing and some guy came up to me, grab my waist, pulling me into him. We danced for awhile and then he went to go get us some drinks. When the mystery guy returned, he handed me a drink "what is this" I shouted over the loud music

"Just drink it, it will make you feel great" he told me

I shrugged and chugged the entire thing, even though it tasted weird. "Want to dance again?" He asked, grabbing my arm

"Okay sure" I nodded. As the song progressed, my head felt a little woozy. I definitely drank too much, and my eyes were a little heavy. The guy grinned and pulled me into him. After about five minutes, I felt terrible. It was like all the drinking caught up to me. My whole body felt heavy, and I was so damn tired all I wanted to do was sit down. My head slumped back onto the guy's chest as I struggled to carry on dancing. My energy was running out fast.

"I need to sit down, or go outside. I feel sick" I slurred out

"Let's go sit outside for a bit then" He smirked

The guy was practically holding up up, bringing me towards the back. He opened a door, which I thought was the back exit, but it was a room. "What the" I mumbled, stopping in my tracks. The man grabbed me, shoving me in, then shutting the door.

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