Chapter 15

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Nash POV

Touring is absolutely amazing! Everyone is having so much fun, we all love going around the country and soon enough the whole world! The only bad part is that I'm away from Heather for so long. I miss her so much and we talk whenever we can. We always end up playing phone tag, and never end up talking to eachother. We are each so busy, its insane!

Its October now, and Heather has been talking about getting early acceptance to UCLA so she knows for sure. I hope she does, that way we can final our plans and get an apartment and everything. Heather and Taylor are coming to visit us in New York City this weekend so that should be fun! Neither Hayes or I have seen the girls since August and its Halloween weekend.

Heather and I were dressing up as Bonnie and Clyde. We were all invited to a halloween party thrown by Selena Gomez so that was pretty awesome! You can also only get into the party with a costume, even if you have an invitation, you need a costume.

Hayes and I were on our way to the airport to get the girls now. We arrived at the airport, and I got a text from Heather letting me know that they had just gotten off of the plane and were stopping at the bathroom real quick. Hayes and I finally found the right terminal that they were coming out of. I kept looking over the huge crowd for Heather, I spotted her and our eyes locked. A huge smile broke out on both our faces, she pushed through the crowd, jumping into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist. I set her down, kissing her passionately. Sparks flew throughout my whole body, and man did I miss this feeling.

After we left the airport, Hayes and Taylor went back to the hotel, while I had a date planned for Heather and I. We walked hand and hand through Central Park. We found what looked like a good spot and layed down a blanket, taking all the food out of the basket.

I had stopped at a sub shop on the way to pick Heather off, and that's where I got all the food. We each had a sub, some chips and a soda. We layed down on the blanket, eating our food.

As we were laying down, Heathers knees were planted on the ground as her legs were the air, and we just stayed this way and talked. As Heather was talking about school, I couldn't really pay much attention to her. She was naturally breath taking. She was currently wearing no makeup and her bare beauty outshone everyone, she didn't even have to try.

Heather started clapping her hands in front of me, most likely to get my attention but I was mesmerised by her. It wasn't until she crossed her eyes and stuck out her tonge. I let out a laugh, looking down then back up at her.

"Good to know your back" Heather jokes, a small smile playing on her pink lips.

I let out a laugh. "Sorry about that" I apologised. She just waved her hand in dismissal.

Heather and I stayed at the park for a few more hours, talking about anything and everything as we walked around. I checked my phone and we still had to get ready for the party, so we made our way back to the hotel, which thankfully wasn't so far away.

We stopped at the restaurant in the hotel and got a quick dinner. It was a nice little italian place, Heather got fettachinni Alfredo, while I got spagettti. We thought it would be funny/cute if we did the lady and the tramp scene but we ended up basically choking.

Heather ran straight for the closet changing into her costume, as I did the same. She went into the bathroom, quickly curling her hair and doing her makeup. Once she came out, she grabbed a pair of black heels, slipping them right on. I put my fedora on, handing Heather her beret.

We met up with Hayes and Taylor in the lobby. They were dressed up as Mr. and Mrs. Flinstone. We headed out together, covering our faces from the flashes of the paparazzi. Out of instinct, I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her into me.

We all got into the limo, heading to the party. When we arrived, there was even more paps. As we were walking in, I heard the them yelling out questions to Heather and I. " Is it true that Heather is using you for your fame Nash?"

"Is it true that Heather is paid to be your girlfriend?"

After hearing all these accusations, my blood was boiling. I leaned down whispering in Heathers ear "Ignore then babe"

She squeezed my hand in assurance as we walked into the giant ballroom. There were so many famous people here, like Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and even One Direction.

We walked over to the bar, getting some drinks, then heading to the dance floor. I went to grab a seat as Heather and Taylor headed onto the dance floor. Heather looked so beautiful in her costume. I had to get up and go dance with her, I couldn't waste the limited time I have with her.

We were approached by Selena Gomez, Heather ran up to her, tackling her in a hug. I didnt realize that Heather was such a big fan. I walked over to them, overhearing their conversation "Its so good to see you again! It's been so long!" Selena said

"I didn't know you guys knew eachother, im Nash by the way" I waved

"Im Selena, its so nice to meet you and we have known eachother for about two years id say! We used to go to the same dance studio!" She smiled

Selena introduced Heather and I to One Direction. We ended up ditching the party at around 1am and headed to some diner around the corner with Harry Styles, Selena, and Niall Horan. It turned out to be such a great night with great people.

Heather and I were going to go around the city with Niall, Harry and Selena tomorrow to enjoy our last day here in New York City.


Authors Note-

I am almost at 1k reads so thank you so much!!!! Annywaayyss, this chapter is kinda boring, I spent like all day today trying to write it. I have had total writers block. A lot of drama is going to happen really really soon. I just need to have a lot of stuff happen before shit goes down! Please please please vote!!

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