Chapter 18

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"Open it, C'mon open it!" Taylor urged as we sat around the Christmas tree. I unwrapped her present, opening the box to see a brand new MK bag

"Thank you so much Tay, its gorgeous ah!" I hugged her

I couldn't help but laugh inside when I opened her gift, I handed her my gift to her. Taylor's face when she unwrapped it was priceless "Are you serious? We both got eachother the same bags, but I love it so much!!" She tackled me in a hug

She opened up the rest of her presents from her family and I opened mine. We both got the usual, clothes, money and gift cards. After we opened everything, we decided to head over to Nash and Hayes's house. We didn't bother changing out of our pajamas and uggs. We each had on Christmas onesies and Santa hats. I sent Nash a snapchat of Taylor and I on our way over. He sent me one back of him wearing a Santa hat, under the miseltoe.

We were at the boys house in a matter of 5 minutes. I walked right in, quietly, suprising Nash. I came up from behind him, putting my hands over his eyes, whispering in his ear "guess who?"

"Hmm, could it possibly be Cameron?"

"Nice try, guess again" I laughed

He turned around quickly, kissing me sweetly "Could it be my lovely girlfriend?"

"Mhm, maybe it is"

"Merry Christmas babe" He smiled

"Merry Christmas Nash" I kissed him once again

We walked into the living room and greeted the rest of the family. Skylynn ran up to me jumping into my arms "Heather Heather Heather you HAVE to come see my new horsies!" She begged

We went over to the tree and she showed me her 20 new horses and a giant toy barn for them all to live. It made me remember back to when I was her age, I had the same passion for horses and I need them all! I knew she would love my present, it came at the perfect timing too!

I was sitting on the floor with Nash and Skylynn playing with her new horsies. "Hey Skylynn, come over here, I want to show you some pictures!"

She ran over, jumping into my lap "show me, show me, show me!" She begged

"Okay okay! There right here" I pulled my phone out "This big brown horse is Stormy, and the little tan one is her baby!" I showed her a bunch of pictures.

"What's the name of the baby horsie?" She asked me

"The baby doesn't have a name yet, what do you want to name her?" I asked Skylynn

" I want to name her....LIGHTNING!" She jumped

"Then that will be the horses name, Star! Now I have a suprise for you outside" Her mouth formed an 'O' shape as I took her outside, everyone was already out there, waiting to see her reaction. We walked out the front door and Hayes was off the the side recording everything, then Nash walked out from behind my car, with Lightning.

"AHHH ITS LIGHTNING! IS LIGHTNING MY HORSIE?" She ran over to the newly born horse.

"Merry Christmas Skylynn!" I ran over to her, she hopping into my arms giving me the biggest hug

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She cheered

"Do you want to go ride her?" I asked

"Yes yes yes!" She jumped

I got Lightning saddled up with the help of Nash and put Skylynn onto her, we walked her around the yard for about an hour until dinner was almost ready. I walked with Skylynn to the horse stables right down the street, where Lightning would be staying. We gave her a bath and brushed her so that she was all cleaned up before putting Lightning in her stable.

We made it back to the house just in time for dinner. We all gathered around the table, digging into the great meal. After dinner, Nash took me up to his room, where we would exchange gifts. We were at his doorway when he stopped me, pointing up "There's a miseltoe, so you know what that means!" I leaned in, giving him gentle kiss.

We got into his room and went over to sit on his bed "You go first" I told him

"Ok" He pulled out a stunning pandora bracelet, that had all the charms that related to us. He took it out of the box, putting it on my wrist.

"Thank you Nash, it's beautiful!" I hugged him

"Now here's your present" I went over to his closet, grabbing the brand new Beats headphones, and speakers, handing it to him

"These are amazing! Thank you so much babe! I love it!" He kissed me sweetly.

After a little bit, we went downstairs, joining everyone else, watching Christmas movies. I grabbed us a blanket went over to join Nash on the arm chair. I cuddled up to him and whispered in his ear "This was the best Christmas I've ever had! Thank you so much, I love you"

"It wouldn't be the same without you, I love you so much"


Authors Note-

Big apologies for taking so long! I went and saw that I have 1.72K reads so I have a suprise! Please vote, it means so much!

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