29 | Work Load!

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Hi all! Hope everyone is well.  Surprise update for 17k+ reads!!!!Thank you for the tremendous support for the last few chapters I posted. It means a lot. Enjoy the chapter ahead... and life update, the interview went well and waiting for a reply! Hope for the best now!

It was nearly 2 days since both came back from Paris. It was indeed a memorable trip and Ashwin couldn't still keep his hands to himself. He joined work again with so many emergency cases and Keerthi was asked to come in for an emergency project as they did not have a choice to call her. Her boss was contemplating on calling her but it was a very important deal. The person who was covering her work met with an accident and was in hospital. So Keerthi had no choice so both started going to work again.

Keerthi did not want to forget her house responsibility so she always got up around 5 am and made breakfast and lunch for everyone and even packed it for HIM too. His mother was amazed to see her do all the work along with the office work too. She also noticed Keerthi becoming tired so much too. Both went together to work as he will drop her and then go to his hospital.

Keerthi will then return home by 6 pm but he always came home on weird timings. Due to so much work load they don't even spend time together now. She tries to wait for him and sometimes sleep on the living room sofa and he always admires her waiting for him. He then finish his dinner and carries her to the bed and sleep hugging her. He also was missing her so much now but they couldn't really do anything.

Shreya was back at her university and Keerthi was actually missing her teasings now too. She even talks to her often on the phone now. Keerthi also made a note to visit her parents soon too.

It is just that now only Keerthi realised how hard and challenging it is to be a wife and work too. Some days she just wants to leave everything and run but now she is getting used to all the things around her. Sometimes it was all overwhelming for her but she was determined to not give up. She won't be feeling this way if he was there to talk to her but due his work stress she rarely sees him. And on top of that she did not want to burden him with these thoughts.

On the other hand she was also stressed with her work and this particular project was so tiring. They had to meet everyday and discuss the process because even a small mistake can cause a fortune for her company. So her boss was not being very helpful right now. He is also making her work so much at office too.

It was Friday and Keerthi was relieved that it was the weekend coming up. She left office at 5 pm and wanted to surprise her parents today. She went and rang the door bell waiting impatiently. Her mum opened the door and was shocked to see her there. She called her dad and both have her a bone crushing hug. Immediately her mum went and started preparing her favourite snacks too. She missed home and spending time with them but she didn't show it out.  She informed her in-laws too and they were happy too.

So Keerthi enjoyed her time there with hot food and tea. She left home by 8 pm and reached their house soon. His parents inquired about the visit and went to sleep. She finished all the dishes in the kitchen and was waiting for HIM. She always knew that it was him who carried her to bed every day. She again fell asleep on the sofa.

On the other hand Ashwin was busy with a surgery. He forgot to inform Keerthi or even his parents. When he came out he had to rush to another surgery as there had been an accident nearby. So many came in with head injuries. So he thought of staying at the hospital for the day.

The next day morning Keerthi woke up on the sofa. She was shocked to see the food also there on the table. She started panicking. She realised he hadn't come home last night and he never informed anyone. His mom told her to call the hospital and she did. They informed her about the accident and he has been performing back to back surgery. Keerthi was somewhat relieved to hear this and informed her parents.

She tried calling his phone but couldn't connect. His parents saw how much she missed him and thought of giving him a piece of advice when he returns. Keerthi gave up and spent her time cleaning and cooking.

She waited for him that night and slept again on the sofa. She cried to sleep that day after so many days. She needed HIM!

Here is the next chapter
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I cry😭 as I don't shout at anyone!

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