54 | Closer!

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Hey everyone! Here is the next chapter. Hope all are well!  Enjoy!

Aarthi was discharged the next day after the improvement in herself. Shreya noticed Dr. Akshara staring at her brother so many times at the hospital. It was very weird. She knew something was wrong with her. She even caught her being closer to him and how Ashwin was trying to move away. Keerthi was busy with Aarthi that she failed to notice what Akshara was doing.

As they reached home Shreya wanted to ask about Akshara from Ashwin. She was sure that he also wouldn't have noticed anything as Aarthi was the priority now.

Shreya: Bro I need to talk to you!

Ashwin: Ya what is it?

Shreya: Urghhh Have you noticed that Dr. Akshara?

Ashwin: What about her?

Shreya: She was acting so weird in the ward back at the hospital. I caught her staring at you so many times and she was even going closer to you, right?

Ashwin: OMG! You saw! She is always on my face. So annoying! I thought she was being friendly!

Shreya: You call that friendly? She looks like danger so be careful and even tell Keerthi about it beforehand. You don't want her to know anything later when you have any trouble.

Ashwin: I don't want to stress her out now! I can handle Akshara. Don't worry.

Both siblings then joined everyone else in the living room. All were happy to have Aarthi back. Keerthi fed her and put the baby to sleep. Both Ashwin and Keerthi then decided to sleep for some time. They were so tired and exhausted.

Ashwin was angered by Akshara's behaviour today but did not want to show it. He did not want to make the family worried again. Aarthi was just recovering and that was important for all now. He had known Akshara for a while now, but he did not know her intentions till today. The way she behaved was so weird and he was creeped out. He wanted to ask her and let her know that he was not happy with her intentions. And for him it was, will, and always be KEERTHI! He loved her more than anything in the world.

Ashwin was ready to have dinner when his phone rang. He picked up and it was an emergency. He informed about an important surgery which was transferred to his hospital as it was a complicated one. He quickly ate a bit, pecked Keerthi's forehead, and left.

At the hospital, it was a 3-hour surgery and he finished it successfully. As he was passing by the staff room Akshara called him. He was startled at first. Akshara smirked at seeing his reaction. She wanted to confess everything to him today.

Akshara planned something to separate Keerthi from him. She offered him a glass of juice and acted like she was apologizing.

Akshara: Sorry for my behavior. I know I went overboard. I am actually in love with you but since your marriage, I knew you couldn't be mine.

Ashwin: It is okay. I am glad you understood.

It was like the load was lifted for Ashwin. They just talked about random things until he felt like fainting. Akshara smirked and locked the room door. As soon as he fell on the couch she went near him. She observed his features. He was handsome. Her blood boiled when she saw the wedding ring on his finger. She leaned on him and took some photos which showed them being close. She did not want to do anything else. Just these photos will show their power.

Soon she left and sent the photos to Keerthi. Keerthi knew he will come late due to the surgery. But as soon as she was in bed she heard her phone ring with some notifications. She was annoyed at the sound and wondered who was messaging her now. As soon as she saw an unknown number she frowned. She opened it and waited for few seconds for the images to load.  As soon as she saw the first image, her world stopped. She couldn't understand what was happening around him. She did not want to believe it. She cried hard. Although she knew that Ashwin will never do this to her. She cried so much and slept like that.

The next morning Ashwin woke up with a headache. He was so confused with what was happening around him. The last night's events came back in his mind and he knew what has happened. He was scared of what this Akshara was up to. He was ready to go back home but his phone rang.

Shreya: Bro! Where are you? Come quickly...

Ashwin: What happened?

Shreya: It's Akshara. She is wailing at our doorstep showing some photos of you and her.

Ashwin: I didn't do anything! I will be there soon.

He understood what she was doing now. He was fuming with anger. He quickly drove it to his house.

At his house, Keerthi could not face this now. Akshara was screaming and shouting. Ashwin's parents were confused. Never in their lives, they wanted to hear such nonsense. And they knew that they did not raise their children like this. They knew that there should be some blunder done by Akshara. She was in mental turmoil. As soon as she heard the familiar car horn she just wanted to push everyone away and hug HIM. Ashwin came in and saw what was happening. He wanted to slap Akshara but he couldn't.

Ashwin: Dr. Akshara what are you doing here?

Akshara: Oh look who turned up finally. Come, come I was just telling them about how you cheated on your wife.

Ashwin: What are you talking about?

She immediately showed the photos. He was shocked was an understatement. He just looked at Keerthi. Only her opinion mattered to him right now. Keerthi kept staring at him,

Keerthi: I trust you Ashwin.....

( Will be continued .....)
Here is the next chapter. How was it?

This chapter is dedicated to flowerchild1364. Thank you for all the support. Love your work too. My readers, please give her work a read too.

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