40 | First Positive!

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Hi all! Hope all are well! Enjoy this chapter...... Please let me know of any mistakes. So many did not want me to finish the book, so I won't be finishing it anytime soon! I love all of you and you all have been there for me always hence will continue the story....

Keerthi woke up and was ready to book an appointment with the doctor but to her surprise she got the time in the evening at 4 pm. Containing her excitement from others. Ashwin dropped her off at her office and when she went inside she noticed Saranya. Saranya too shifted to this branch along with her and Keerthi was grateful for it. But her glow was not missed by Saranya. She inquired about her health and Keerthi did not have a choice but told her everything. Her best friend was so happy and even gave her an idea to get a pregnancy kit from the nearby pharmacy to check before the doctor's confirmation.

Keerthi immediately went and got two test kits just in case. It was awkward for her to purchase them but the sales woman did not look at her in surprise or in disgust. She was glad that nothing happened there in the shop. She has heard many stories about being judged when women go to buy a pregnancy kit. What is wrong in that? It is natural phenomena and you cannot be judged for this by others around you and you also should not give importance to other people's opinions in life.

Saranya was waiting outside the bathroom when Keerthi went in to use it. She was not sure on how to use it and it took few minutes for her to read and understand the procedure to use the kit. Keerthi waited impatiently for the results. She was tapping her foot and was staring at the stick. She has never been so nervous in her life ever and this was all new to her. And the result showed 'PREGNANT' confirming all her doubts and she did it on the other spare kit she bought too and that too showed the same.

 And the result showed 'PREGNANT' confirming all her doubts and she did it on the other spare kit she bought too and that too showed the same

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She opened the door and her happy tears confirmed everything to Saranya. Keerthi anyway showed the results to her and Saranya gave a bear hug to her.

Saranya: Congratulations!! OMG I cannot believe it

Keerthi: Me neither... will you accompany me to the doctor's appointment today please?

Saranya: Of course don't worry.

Keerthi was on cloud nine. She was imagining his reaction to this news. She wanted to surprise him with this news. She couldn't wait any longer. Both she and Saranya took half day leave and roamed around the mall. They then got some food at the restaurant near the hospital. Keerthi was careful in not making an appointment at his hospital so this was a bit far. Both reached on time and the Dr. Sarah called them in. Keerthi told her symptoms and even showed the pregnancy kit results. Doctor quickly told her to a test to confirm and they were said to wait for 30 minutes for the report.

The doctor called in and gave the results with a wide smile conveying the good news. When Keerthi opened the letter it said 'POSITIVE'. Now she was 100% sure and the doctor congratulated her and advised her on the diet. She told her to visit next week with HIM to talk to both. Keerthi was elated and she informed him that she was going out with Saranya to which he agreed. He will be coming home late around 9 pm as he has an emergency surgery and this gave her time to plan everything for the surprise.

Firstly, she wanted to inform both his and her parents. She called and informed her parents to come to their home. All the elders were waiting when she and Saranya reached home. Keerthi gave the result to her mum and she was in tears. All got the news and congratulated her. They were so happy to see her with the great news. Keerthi then had some snacks with them and she informed her in laws about the surprise she was going to Ashwin. They had a face time call with Shreya and she was so happy. Shreya even helped with the surprise and her parents left around 8 pm. Keerthi set up the surprise in the room. It was just a box with her pregnancy stick result in it. She decorated the room with slow burning candles and placed the box in the middle of the bed.

She went down when she heard the doorbell around 9 pm. She knew it was HIM. All sat for dinner and Ashwin saw his parents smiling at them today. He was confused and even asked his mom about it. She just ignored him. After dinner his parents went to their room to sleep, Keerthi too went to their room and waited for him at the balcony.

Ashwin was exhausted after a tiring day and went to their room. He just wanted to cuddle her and sleep directly. But he was shocked to see the room decorated but his eyes caught the box on the bed. He called her but without waiting for her reply he opened the box. He was out of words. It took few minutes for him to realize what was happening around him. Happy tears made its way to his eyes and he literally ran to see her in the balcony. She was standing there and felt his presence behind her. He hugged her from behind and whispered a thank you. That was it she turned and hugged. Both cried and laughed.

Ashwin: You made me the happiest person on this planet Babe! I love you

Keerthi: I love you too! I still cannot believe it

Ashwin: We are going to be parents. This is the best news in my life. I cannot wait to carry the little one.

Both shared a passionate kiss on the lips and that was all needed for her to see his love.

Both shared a passionate kiss on the lips and that was all needed for her to see his love

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He then asked her about everything and now all the dots connected in his head. He also did not focus more on her in the last few works due to her work pressure. He was very happy and now he also knew why his parents reacted like that during dinner. Ashwin then went on and advised her about everything. Keerthi listened to him like an obedient child. He also heard about her Dr. Sarah and he knew her and she was the best in the field. He was glad that she found this particular doctor.

Both snuggled and slept peacefully. Ashwin's mind was still trying to take the idea of him being a dad. He wanted to be a wonderful dad. He was glad that he will have her with him too. Being a dad will have obstacles too. He was ready to fight everything and protect his family. Ashwin was feeling as if he was flying in the sky. He as a doctor still new the diet and exercise and he was ready to make Keerthi follow everything. He also knew how hard it can be to control pregnancy hormones too. But he was determined to go through everything and help Keerthi to have a safe delivery. He pecked her forehead and slept away with a smile on his face.

Here is the next chapter! How was it? Did I bring the emotions out correctly? I tried....

I will continue the story till I can and then maybe a book 2 to focus on them as a family with kids? Let me know if that is okay or should I include everything in this book itself?!

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