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I woke up to the beautiful singing of birds and the sweet smell of a healthy breakfast. I took my bath in my large en suite bathroom. "Life is good," I said to myself in the mirror.

I walk into my walk-in closet. I have so many clothes to choose from I don't know which one to wear.

I settle for my Avant-Garde flowery white knee-length dress.

I do my makeup and head downstairs for breakfast.

"Mama! Mama! We have to leave now, mama! Come on you're going to be late".

Whose adorable little child is this and why is she calling me mama? I squat to reach her height. She looks about four and has amazing green eyes with gold in them.

"Hello, little girl, how are you? Are you lost? And why are you calling me mama?"

She looked at me with a confused look. "You are my mama!" She said.

Wait, I don't have kids. I'm just 23 and a college graduate. My boyfriend left me after five attempts at having sex which I didn't allow. He called me a poor street rat.

No, but I am rich, I live in a castle 🏰, and have lots of servants tending to my hand and foot. I have everything I need. I don't even work. How dare he call me a poor street rat. I'll make sure his head would be fed to my pet wolves.

Off with his head!!!!!. He who dares call me a poor street rat!!!

"Mama! Mama! Mama!"

"Ahhhh" I screamed when I felt a painful pinch on my upper arm. I look around and see that I am in my room, paint falling off the walls, my wardrobe opened showing the limitless amount of clothes I have. Yh that was sarcasm in case you were wondering.

Who am I? Well, I'll tell you.

I am Evangelene Bonell, daughter of Marisa Bonell and Allen Smith. I never knew my dad except for his name of course. I had a sister, Eloise Bonell was beautiful, outspoken, caring, and kind and was my direct opposite.

Everyone loved her, I loved her, and I still do. She was a hopeless romantic, and so is my mum. And she had instilled that trait in all of us. We grew up reading Shakespeare and watching romantic movies. Barbie cartoons and believing in fairy tales and magic.

Eloise always said her prince charming would come and rescue her from our poor lives. Well, she wasn't wrong. A prince charming indeed came. He was every bit of the word charming, except he wasn't a prince. He was a pauper charming. But Eloise was in love.

Fred was an amazing boy who loved my sister while she lasted. I hated him. I still do. He showed us what we wanted to see. The poor boy who would work so hard to make sure Eloise had the world.

Well, his hardworking trait ceased after he knocked my sister up. Eloise was hungry and was craving fried chicken nuggets. Fred rushed out in the rain and promised he would be back in five minutes with the nuggets. It's been four years now I'm still waiting for those damned nuggets.

He never came back. Eloise gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I asked what name we should give to her and she told me to pick one. Eloise desired to have a baby girl first. I wanted to have twins first.

I named her daughter Desiree. Which meant "the one desired"

Eloise loved the name. Desiree was taken to the nursery so that Eloise could rest. I left to go and check up on our mum. She had been diagnosed with cervical cancer a year ago. She was going through painful chemotherapy. I could tell, even though she was trying to look strong.

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