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Song for this chapter(Say Something by Christina Aguilera)

That morning in the hotel room in Jersey was the best day of my life, right next to the day Evangelene became mine. We stayed in bed making love the whole morning and afternoon and only "paused" when we realized food and water were necessities to humans. Also, that we both had a ton of work waiting for us back home.

I wanted to take her as my plus one to a party Paige was throwing to welcome her newest batch of shoes, but she said she wouldn't be able to make it.

She has an early flight to France in the morning regarding the new hotel which was very important, but it still didn't relieve me from how bad I was feeling because I wasn't going to see her until the weekend is over.

Stefan was already on his way to work on my make-up and choice of clothes. After all, it was going to be packed with celebrities, and there has never been a fire without smoke, so the paparazzi are going to be there as well. I needed to look good. I just wished my love was coming with me.

After about thirty minutes of sulking, Stefan came and they started to work on me. I thought about how my life would've been if I wasn't born into a rich and famous family.
Would I be here?
Would Stefan have a murderous look because Coco dropped one dress? Would I be me or someone else? I had a lot of questions on my mind which had no answers.

"Earth to Genny"! I snapped out of my thoughts to find a pissed-off Stefan giving me death glares.


"What? Are fucking asking me that right now? The party is in five minutes I've been calling you for the past ten minutes. I would have slapped you back to reality but I didn't want to ruin my masterpiece on your annoying face", he said with exasperation.

I sighed. "Sorry, my mind was elsewhere my head feels like it's about to explode any minute. Can I get an aspirin"?

"Paul, please get her two aspirins", he instructed and grabbed his things and they left.

I took the pills from Paul and swallowed them raw before drinking water. I wish I could stay home and rest, or better still, I could surprise Eva and go to France with her. It would be romantic and all that, plus, I could do what I've been planning all along, and finally, ask her to marry me. I mean, I got the ring all I needed was her finger.

I went to my room, packed some clothes into one of my suitcases, and called Bob to take it downstairs whiles I headed for the vault to retrieve the ring I had my team make specifically for her. I would go to the party, spend the night at Paige's and leave early to meet her at the hanger and leave together.

After the meeting, we could go for a romantic dinner, just the two of us then, I'll pop the question. I hope she says yes. I grabbed my purse and left the vault to the car.

The paparazzi were there just as predicted. I often wondered how were we not blinded by those flashing lights, especially the ones that go off suddenly. I was escorted inside by my guards and avoided the questions they were asking about Eva. What's it to them if she wasn't here? It was none of their business.

I felt the sadness that was replaced by the happiness of proposing to crawl back to the surface. To say I was distracted through the first part of the show would be an understatement. I didn't even see a single shoe.

I left the table, went into Paige's bedroom, and swallowed two more aspirins. I grabbed a bottle of scotch and downed two full glasses. Was it my time of the month already? I only had these types of headaches during that time. I went into the bathroom to check, but I was clean. I downed a third glass and found her hidden stash of weed candy, I took a bite, and after about 10 minutes I was starting to feel much better.

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