38. THE END?

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Song for this chapter(Honeymoon, Lana Del Rey)

"My love, where are we going? I feel like we've been in this plane for hours", I finally asked the probing question. With the hustle and bustle of the wedding, I forgot to ask.

"It's a surprise, and don't worry we're here", she replied.

"Here, where's here?" I looked through the window and all I saw was the beautiful blue ocean staring back at me.

We got out of the plane into an awaiting truck with a man dressed as a park ranger. He said his name was Jorge and he was taking us to the boat.

Of course, she decided a boat would be the perfect place for a well-deserved honeymoon. I love the way she thinks.

"We're taking our honeymoon on a boat?" I asked, and all she did was smile smugly on my face.

I sat beside her and she put her hands in mine. It felt so right, so perfect, and so surreal. I couldn't believe how great my life had turned out. About a year and a half ago, I was a waitress with no clear picture of the future. Now, I had a beautiful wife, a genius for a daughter, and anything I wanted, I could get without as much as a second thought.

"Turn around and close your eyes", Genevieve said interrupting my thoughts. I did as instructed and I felt a cloth cover my already closed eyes.

I found it hard to walk with the blindfold over my eyes and doing it on what felt like beach sand wasn't fun.

"Come on, just a couple more steps", I heard Genevieve say from behind.

After twelve trips and an almost face-kissing-the-floor, I finally made it to wherever she wanted to be. She came up behind me and removed the blindfold. I blinked to adjust to the early morning sun that was rising above the horizon.

The sight before me was breathtaking, I'd never seen anything so beautiful. I was looking at an island smack dab in the middle of the ocean, even though it was farther away, the sun plus the color of the sea was doing things to me.

"Look to your right", she whispered into my ears I instantly had goosebumps all over my body. I turned to my right and what I saw wasn't a boat, it was a fucking yacht. A beautiful black and white yacht with my fucking name on it.

I turned to look at her, the woman who I've realized could make me speechless with just a smile, a gesture, or simply buy me a yacht. I didn't know what to say because I had nothing to say. I jumped into her arms and let the joyful tears fall freely.

When I was through with my emotional breakdown, she led me on board or deck and I explored my yacht. My name was on everything, and when I say everything, I mean everything, from the floors to the kitchen towels. All this while, the only sound coming from me was a gratified sigh.

"Well, let's get on with it. We still need to get to the island you can freshen up inside and then join me here to skipper this boat",

Genevieve said and took off her blazer to reveal a white tank top and shorts. I was still in my after-party dress, so now you realize how hard it was for me earlier with the blindfold?

After about an hour, we finally made it to the island, and Genevieve helped me carry our bags to the beautiful house that faced the sea.

"How did you find out about this place?" I asked.

"I had a friend who sells these kinds of islands I told him I needed a beautiful one in the Bahamas and got this", she said proudly.

"So he rented this out to you for how long?"

"He didn't rent it out to me", she replied.

"Then what did he do?"

"He sold it and I bought it", she replied as if buying a fucking island was like eating chocolate cereal.

"You what? You bought this place?"

"Yup", she said popping the "p"

"How much?"

"Oh, is that necessary?"

"Oh hell yeah, it is necessary".

"Fine, It was just thirty-five million", she replied and didn't wait for my reaction or response and just scurried into the house.

This woman is just crazy is all I can say. What in the hell would you need a whole island for? Start a fucking tribe?

I followed her into the house and almost swooned at how homey and cozy it was. On the outside, it looked like your usual huge house but on the inside, it looked more welcoming.

Since I had freshened up on the yacht, I decided to find something for us to eat, and judging by our current location would be seafood. Yay.

I set the table outside on the patio facing the sea. It looked romantic for brunch but working with what I got is the game. We both enjoyed the food and we later went for a swim. To say my honeymoon night was blissful would be an understatement.

After swimming, we played some board games, 20 questions, and other exciting naughty games. Then, we called home and spoke to everyone on a video call, it wasn't clear but it was okay. We had dinner and made it back to the yacht to consummate our marriage.

Cuddled in each other's arms, staring at the night sky with billions of stars twinkling down on us and the moon illuminating its beautiful glow on our naked bodies on deck was the best thing I could wish for.

"I love you Evangelene St. Laurent".

"I love you more Genevieve St. Laurent".



Jewel 🔶 🔶
Peace out

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