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Song for this chapter (Chun-Li, Nicki Minaj)


"What did that fucker do to you girls? Remember, I'm asking it one time, and so don't bother lying", Jasper said with a cold expression I've never seen before.

Paige kept squeezing my hand so tight, I'm sure it'll be bruised by the morning. I looked at her and our eyes met. She didn't have to open her mouth to ask the question that was swimming behind her orbs.

I cleared my throat to get Jasper's attention. He turned his eyes to me and waited.

"Jasper, can you wait till after the party, please? I promise we'll tell you everything, and you don't have to worry about anything", I chuckled dryly after I said that.

Jasper narrowed his eyes at us, I averted mine before he could press for more information. I released the breath I didn't know I was holding when I saw his shoulders relax.

"Fine, I'll wait. The dinner is almost over anyway", he said and went back to chatting with his friends.

"Bathroom. Now!" Paige said getting up from her seat and dragging me along.

We made it to the bathroom, and she had a fit. She started pacing back and forth, yelling, talking faster like she was rapping. I didn't bother to pay attention to what she was saying because I knew I wouldn't get a word.

"Paige? Paige? Paige!"


"Could you please stop pacing? You're making me dizzy, and I haven't eaten yet".

"How can you be so calm and even talk about food right now?" She asked looking like she could explode any minute.

I sighed. "Listen, Paige, I know what is happening here, but there's nothing we can do about it. I'm calm because I'm thinking of a way to get us out of this mess. If Jasper finds out, trust me, it's going to be bloody. Just calm down okay? Please?"

She stopped pacing and took deep breaths. "Okay, okay. You better have something good up in that pretty head of yours, or else, divine interference is what we would need".

"Paige? Everything will be fine, I promise, do you trust me?" I asked her.

"Of course", she replied.

"Good, that's all that matters. I'll make sure he pays for everything he did to you. That is a promise".

We left the bathroom and went back to our seats. Rachel gave a nice heartwarming speech and dinner began.

There were lots of laughter and tears all over. I actually felt at ease at this party. I had thought some of our neighbors from when we were young would be here, but so far, I hadn't seen anyone familiar. The people here were all relatives of Jasper's friends.

An hour later, everyone was just basically dancing or getting drunk. Jasper and his friends were displaying some crazy ass dance moves. It made Paige forget about the pending conversation we had to have with Jasper.

She was currently dancing with him. I looked around and found Donald standing by the staircase. His eyes roamed around Paige's body like a lion accessing his dinner. I had chills all over my body.

I walked to him with bold steps. He must have seen me approaching because he took his eyes off Paige and focused them on me. I shuddered from the disgust I felt when I smelled his arousal. Looks like the stupid ass wipe hasn't changed. He was going to get everything he deserved.

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