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Song for this chapter (FIRST LOVE, Adele)


"So what are you going to do now?" Mel asked me after I told her everything that had happened.

"What's there to do? Nothing. I just work harder and make sure I give Desi the best in life. Now I could save extra, because I won't have to buy anymore expensive supplements", I said.

"What about Desi, have you told her?"

"Not yet. I wan't to do it when we get home".

"Okay, but do you think it's a good idea to be there now? I mean with her passing being fresh and all".

"I don't know. I mean it's not like I have  anywhere else to go".

"Come on Eva, you know you both are welcome to stay here with me. I don't mind".

"I know you won't mind, but you know me. Don't worry, we'll be fine. I even went to clean her room this morning and I was okay. We'll be fine", I said reassuring her.

She just nodded. The atmosphere was too quiet. Mel wasn't her usual bubbly self. Well, who would be? I decided to change the subject, and I knew exactly what to say.

"Mel? I think I may have a teeny tiny crush on someone".

That got her attention. She whipped her head so fast to look at me, I was surprised she didn't have a whiplash.

"What did you just say?"

"I said I think I may have a tiny crush on someone".

"Who? Let me guess, Walter?"

"What? No of course not, you know I don't swing that way".

"Oh yeah, sorry, but you can't deny that he's cute and blonde and he has blue eyes and all those abs", she said looking dreamingly at her ceiling.

"I think the one with a crush here is you Mel".

"Pssf. What? No I don't. I mean he's nice and all but I...uh....".

"Uh huh, keep telling yourself that. But you know you like him. You really really like him", I said in a sing-song voice wriggling my eyebrows.

"Don't try channeling the attention from you to me, missy, tell me all about your tiny crush".

"Well, it's Genevieve St. Laurent".

I had to cover my ears from the loud screaming that was emitted from her throat.

"Damn girl, are you trying to deafen me. And stop before you wake up my baby".

"Oops, sorry. But seriously? St. Laurent? How, when, I mean how?"

"Well, it was at the event yesterday. She was staring at me continuously. I was crept out at first, but then I started to enjoy it, but I didn't let her know that I knew she was staring. I just didn't want her to stop".

"Ohhh, this is so cool. And then what happened, when did you realize you felt an attraction towards her?"

"Well, she had a cut on her arm and I had to dress it, whiles dressing it, I was feeling nervous and actually shaking. So, she touched my hand. I think it was to help me feel calm but I removed my hand immediately she touched it......".

"Why?" she interrupted.

"You'll know why if you just let me finish, sheesh".

"Sorry, please continue".

"I removed my hand because I felt electricity go through my entire body. Remember, when you came over to my apartment and touched my microwave with water on your hands?"

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