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Song for this chapter (SORRY, Justin Bieber)


I was happy I managed to talk to the host of the charity event and convinced him to let Thea, (I think that was the name of the owner of the diner Paige and I went to) cater for the event.

I just had to let Paige call her to inform her that it was her idea though. I hope she did it right and didn't mention me. I like helping people. I just don't like to do it for everybody to know. I like to do it in secret. Or I let someone else take the credit.
After we left the diner, I went straight home. Bod called Gerald and Harper to meet is at home.

I had a rough week. The hotel in Madrid had some problems. I had to go there and check it out myself. Some mafia boss was threatening my staff because he lost his key card and they were delaying in giving him a new one. Well, it was the hotel policy. It had to be investigated if you truly lost it. I had to deal with him and explain it to him before he calmed down.

I didn't want to have the Russian mafia against me in Madrid. It could raise hell. Those kinds of people don't have our kind of patience.

I had called my stylist to get me something nice to wear for tomorrow's event. He said I should expect it early tomorrow morning. I ordered a new pair of Louboutins to match.

I went up into the family jewellery vault and picker out an emerald and diamond necklace. The colour reminded me so much of that little girl's eyes, the one at the diner. What was her name again?
Ah, Desirée and the other one was Evangelene, Walter's friend. I wish I had met her.

I would go back there on Monday, and this time I would have to ask to meet his friend. I have no doubt she would be as unique as her name. And also see if I could find that little girl too.

I thought of asking Luis, my P. I to do some digging for me, but that would make me creepy or something. I don't like to feel creepy. So I'm hoping a little chat with Walter would suffice.

I come back and put the necklace in a case in my closet and head to the bathroom. I needed a relaxing bath. I like to pamper myself. I'm a public figure, I like to look and feel good at all times. That's what makes me different from the rest. I don't get disturbed by the things that put my competitors at the edge of their seats. I remain calm amid storms.

I would have called Peggy to draw my bath for me but today wasn't on schedule and I didn't want to bother her. Peggy is a physiotherapist and she is very good. She gives great massages as well. She has special bath balls she adds when she draws my bath. I always found it soothing.

I add my collection of bath balls and salts and wait for the water to get to its level. I wrap my hair in headgear and get a bottle of cognac and settle into the water. Mmm, a mixture of lemon and sandalwood. My two favourite scents.

I stay in the bath till I know I'm done and get out, dry myself and go straight to bed. I have a lot to put up with tomorrow.

I managed to see the people I would be sitting with at the event and I was quite pleased. Not the nosey type, just two flirts and their wives and then Paige. I was happy about sitting with Paige. She'll keep me in check so that I don't accidentally cut off anyone's head in there.

I drift off to sleep.

I am awoken by Bob's constant yelling of my name. Since he and Nolan have been there throughout my life they get to treat me like a daughter. So yeah, you get the feeling? Two days at the same time.

"Genevieve, are you going to keep ignoring me or are you going to get downstairs and tell that boy stylist of yours to shut up before I do it for him? If I hear one more word about auras again, that's it for him", he said, well yelled and stormed out.

LOVE TO LASTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora