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Song for this chapter (Take my Hand by Emily Hackett)

Today is my wedding day. The day Evangelene becomes fully mine. After she said yes, we were supposed to have a family dinner, but since we had already eaten, we decided to have a family dessert. We toured around the house, and when I finally told her the real reason behind my buying it, she was gobsmacked.

It's been three weeks since the proposal, and I haven't seen her for a week. We had a different kind of dessert that night in our new bedroom. We've had many desserts there since they moved in the next day.

That was Paige's fault; something about loneliness making the heart grow fonder or something. I felt all flustered just thinking of her and Desi being my new family. Mine.

I've been planning with everyone who knew about the wedding. We sent out the invitations to close friends and relatives only. We were trying to make it simple and out of the public eye, but we were in Cali, so the paparazzi don't give two shits about what you want; they invade.

At least we were expecting just under one hundred guests, so I guess that was alright. Stefan would eventually turn me deaf if he continued to yell into my ears like that.

"Damn, do you think you could be anymore louder?" I sneered at him.

"You are so lucky it's your wedding; if not, I would have broken your cute nose. Also, I don't want to face the wrath of your wife. Damn, she is something", he said with a shudder.

Yeah, Stefan got that right; she is something. And finally, mine in a few hours. We were getting married at our new home on the beach; then the wedding reception was in the ballroom.

"Genevieve, the minister is here," Paige said from the hallway.

"Alright, bring him in," I replied.

Stefan was done with my hair and make-up. All that was left was to get into my wedding attire then I'll make my way down the aisle.

"Hello, daughter; how are you?" Pastor Philip said and hugged me. He was the one who helped bury my brother and father and my mother as well.

"Pastor Philip, it's so good to see you. I'm glad you could make it", I said and hugged him back.

"I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world. Your parents and brother are very proud of you. I wanted you to know that", he said and patted my hand.

"Thank you," I didn't know what else to say. I wished they were here to see what I've accomplished by choosing Evangelene as my wife. I wished they'd hug me and tell me how proud they were. I wish.

"Cheer up, honey, they are all here with you. You don't see them, but they see you, and I don't think they'd be happy to see you sad on this special day".

I nodded and put on a smile that made him smile back. "I'll be waiting for you at the shore," he said and left.

"Come on, let's get you dressed; I heard Evangelene is already," Stefan said when he entered the room. He ushered me into the walk-in closet and helped me wear my white dress jumpsuit with long sleeves and a train.

"Oh my god! Genevieve", Paige gushed and rushed to get tissues before her tears ruined her make-up. "I don't know what to say."

She wiped her tears, hugged me, and told Stefan to fix her face again.

I sat and waited for Desiree; I was going to walk down the aisle with her, my daughter. There was a door knock, and Paige went to get it. Standing at the doors was Desiree, looking like the beautiful princess she was, wearing a tulle layers wedding gown. Her hair was down and wavy with a flower tiara sitting on it. She looked beautiful.

LOVE TO LASTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora