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Song for this chapter ( WOLVES, Selena Gomez ft Marshmello)


I couldn't stop thinking about her, and the unexpected hug she gave me. I felt thousands of emotions ran through me. I was so much in love with her. When I saw her the tears in her eyes, I tried really hard not to pull her into my chest. So, I just gave her a hanky instead.

Paige and I were already on my private jet, we had less than thirty minutes left to land. Paige was asleep in the bedroom. Due to my constant travels, I made sure the plane had everything I needed. I could be in Dubai and I would get a call to go to France, so all I had to do is get into the plane, shower and change clothes and then, head to my next destination. It was a full house, except in the air.

I leaned back in my seat and looked out the window. The clouds passing me by in slow movements. I wonder how it would feel like to float on a cloud, and have no care in the world. My mind drifted off to LA, to Manhattan beach to be precise. I wondered what she would be doing now, crying, laughing with her friend and daughter? Or would she be having second thoughts about her job.

I couldn't wait for Monday, but the same time I was dreading it. What if she rejects me, and then end up resigning from the job even before she started. What if she though I gave her all those things just to get into her head and achieve my goal? I wouldn't know what to do if any of that happened.
My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a presence.

"What are you thinking about?" Paige asked and sat down facing me.

I shrugged one shoulder. "Nothing".

She curved one brow up in a questioning manner.

I sighed. "True, I wasn't thinking about anything. I was just admiring the clouds".

"You? Admiring the clouds? Yeah right", she said still not believing me. "I'm starving".

I shook my head. "You're always starving. Are you pregnant?"

She glared at me. "What the fuck do you mean by that. Why would I be pregnant? And in case you've forgotten, it's all your fault we didn't eat this morning".

"What? How come it's my fault?"

"If you weren't in a hurry to meet your green eyed beauty, we would have had a quick breakfast first. You were acting like a kid who just found out that Santa was in his living room. You were running around the place, shouting at everyone who you thought was wasting your time. You even tripped and fell when you rushed out of the bathroom".

"It wasn't because of her", I mumbled. "I just don't like to be late".

"Yeah keep telling yourself that. I just...", she was interrupted when Tom told us to fasten our seat belts. We were about to land.

Mine was already fastened. Paige did hers and continued. "I just want you to be true to yourself. I know you love her very much, because why in the hell, would you give her that house, three cars, hire maids and cooks, plus a nanny for her, if you didn't. Bambi, I love you, and I want you to believe in yourself, just as I believe in you. You'll be great on Monday. If she doesn't feel the same way, it would be fine. I'll be here for you. So, please don't beat yourself up, and stop thinking too much about it. Also, I know that was what you were thinking about".

The plane landed and Bob and the rest came in to grab our luggage into the awaiting cars. I had to tell Tom to change our landing zone. The first one had paparazzi all over the place. This place was a bit isolated. Later, Tom would fly it to our usual hanger.

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