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Song for this chapter (Ocean Eyes, Billie Eilish)


I was looking forward to dessert this evening, but due to the interview we had tomorrow, I couldn't.
Coco and her team are already here making sure I am relaxed enough for tomorrow. I don't see the point of it honestly. Can't we just slap some make-up on my face in the morning?

"Do we need to do all this?" I asked Stefan, but he answered with one of his 'I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that' look. That shut me up.

They were currently about to laser every unwanted hair on my body. I mean, there was no doubt I would wear a pantsuit, so what was the need for the laser?

I zoned out after they started applying a the face-mask. My mind drifted freely to her house, trying to picture what she would be doing.

I could imagine the pout on her beautiful face when she was being told what to do. And with Lauren, there was no doubt of the orders that were going to be thrown her way.
After about five hours, they were through with everything.

"We are leaving now we will be back early tomorrow morning. Make sure you are well-rested, okay"? Stefan said whiles he packed their stuff into their cases.

"Okay, see you later" I replied and proceeded to see them off. I felt so sore from the yanking and pulling I endured during those five hours I would never get back.

It was almost eight, I decided to eat something light for dinner, work for a while, call Evangelene then go to bed early. I told Paul what I would want for dinner and within thirty minutes, he was done.

After dinner, I went to the study to go over some papers, then called Evangelene when I was done. I called her eight times but it all went straight to voicemail. I guessed she was either asleep or she was still going through hell at the hands of Lauren.

This sucks, I didn't get my desert earlier, and now, goodnight chit-chat too was thrown down the gutter. I decided to send her a message and went to bed.

Stefan and his team kept their promise about coming over early. At about six-thirty am, I could already hear him blowing out orders downstairs. I woke up earlier because Stefan in the mornings wasn't someone you would want to mess with.

"Genny! Get your butt downstairs now, and I hope to Christ you've had your bath" he yelled.
I left my room and went downstairs to find him yelling and blowing out curses into his phone. I pity whoever it was on the other end of the line.

"I'm here, I've showered, and could you keep your voice down, I'm sure the whole of California can hear you," I told him after he hung up the phone.

"Don't start with me this morning. Your photoshoot starts in six hours, and the interview four hours after. We have to go pick up Eva and then fly to New Jersey, which would take almost five hours, then get you both ready for the shoot, which by my calculations should take three hours. Both of you would need a change of clothes for the interview, so, don't you.....", he paused to answer his phone and I used that opportunity to escape more rants.

I decided to help him just out of the goodness of my heart and called Tom to ready the jet.

"Genny, please tell me the jet is ready at the hanger", Stefan said looking like he was ready to have a breakdown if something else went wrong. His face was redder than the color red, if that made any sense.

"Calm down before you have a heart attack. The jet is ready, let's go and pick up Evangelene, plus I have an idea."

"What is it"? he asked.

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