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Song for this chapter (THE GREATEST, Sia)


Today's the day I finally get to buy new clothes for my amazing daughter. It's been like almost two years. Well, it's all going to be fine, I just feel it.

I hope whatever event Thea had us going to pay us well. I woke up took my bath and got Desi ready. She was feeling better. I had to get Marco to give me his recipe.

"Mama, what are we having for bweakfast?" Desi asked holding her teddy bear Bobo.

"Why don't we get breakfast at the mall huh, then you can order anything you wanna eat okay?"

"Weawwy?, okay I'm gonna get pancakes, and muffins and ice cream", she went on listing everything she was going to order which included a Barbie doll. Ha! That is if the coffee place has that on the menu.

I drop my mum at Miss Lucinda's and we took the bus to the city. Then a cab to the mall. The driver was trying hard to flirt with me. Sorry dude, I don't swing that way.

We straight to the coffee shop at the mall. I ordered a cup of coffee and some scones. As for Desirée, let's just say she made the waitress' day. She asked for a barbie doll, a castle and a prince charming, all on a purple-coloured strawberry cake.

"Cupcake, you know you can't get that here, order something else okay. I'll see if we can get that in the kids' section in the mall all right?"

"Okay mama", she said and ended up ordering pancakes with lots of chocolate syrup and orange juice.

After that, we left for clothes shopping. I told her to choose whatever she liked. Which ended up being three purple cotton sweaters, a black top with a  guitar made with sparkly stones and with the words Every girl is a superstar, purple skinny jeans and black sparkly princess flats with a small no on top. I had chosen some clothes a little bit colourful. Just because my favourite colours were purple and black, she decided that those should be hers too.

We, in total, got five skinny jeans, four sweaters, two shoes, six cute tops and a tiara and a magic wand. She was just beside herself, jumping up and down. Saying hi and giving out wishes to people everywhere.

I must say, she was taking this fairy princess thing really serious, and she looked great at it.

We went to get some clothes for me too. With Desi being my fashion police. If it was left for her I would leave this place with everything that was the colour black. Any other colour was either, "nuh-uh, or a sound she makes with her tongue crushed between her lips. It comes out like brrrr".

I finally got the attire for tonight's event at Macy's after five attempts. I got some new flats as well, I wouldn't want mine to give out in the middle of a room surrounded by uppity, rich people who look down their noses.

I pick up Desirée at the kids' playground where I dropped her earlier when she complained of having cramps from walking. Ha! That kid. How does she even know what cramps mean?

"Desi honey, come on we have to leave, you have a date with Theo in an hour and I have to get to work", I said trying to get her out of the jumping castle.

"Oh yeah, I have a date with Titty", she said rushing out and jumping into my arms almost making us fall over.

I pay the electricity bill on our way home. I shower her and get her dressed for her play date. Theo is a cute little French boy in her daycare. His mum liked Desirée the moment she set eyes on her, I mean what's not to like about that girl. They live in the city. Every Saturday, they come to pick her up to her house.

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