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Song for this chapter (Marry Me by Jason Derulo)

Speechless. That was my current state.

In an awe-struck silence, I walked slowly into the vast suite that looked like it belonged to the Queen of England. It was decorated entirely in royal blue and gold.

Above the bed, a carved golden crown secured panels of ice silk that draped the bed at its corners, ending in swirls on the royal blue fluffy carpet. The thick, tufted duvet was of blue satin, and so was the headboard with its arched gilt frame.

The curtains at the windows were blue silk with elaborate tassels fringed in gold, and in the corner was a dresser with carved panels on the doors and an equally beautiful chair pulled up in front of it, and its upholstery was in royal blue and gold.

The room was breathtaking. This room was the type that was in those European palaces magazines. I turned my attention to the glowing hurricane lamp on the balcony, and a table set for two stood with chairs awaiting their occupants. The balcony overlooked the almost black ocean, the breeze from the waves made the hairs on my body stand.

A bottle of champagne was chilling in a bucket on the side of the table, a flower vase filled with my favorite black orchids. A symphony from the grand piano downstairs makes the atmosphere more romantic.

What was going on? I thought this was supposed to be a formal event. I turned and looked at her. The only person who could take my breath away because all of a sudden, I couldn't breathe.

We looked into each other's eyes with so much passion and intensity. I tried to look away but it felt like I was glued to the fluffy carpet beneath my black strappy heels. Genevieve broke the staring contest, took my hand, and led me to the table.

A young guy in his late twenties in a chef's attire came and filled our glasses and said dinner would be served in five minutes.
"What's all this?" I asked after I found my voice.

"Nothing special just wanted to have dinner with you", she replied in her normal voice yet her body language gave her away. She felt uneasy, almost like she was nervous.

I decided to probe further because I needed some answers. "Just dinner? So you didn't plan with Desi and Mel to do something? And were they not supposed to be here by now?" After I said that her face turned white. I knew it.

I knew something was wrong the minute we stepped out of the house. The conversation we had before we got here didn't add up. All I needed to do now was to figure out what they'd planned because they wouldn't have dressed up if it was for just Genevieve and me.

"I'm right aren't I? I'm going to find out soon just don't worry".

She wasn't able to say anything because the chef came in pushing a dinner trolley. He set our dish in front of us, nodded, told us to have a nice meal, and left. He had a thick French accent.

The appetizer was a prawn cocktail in Marie Rose sauce garnished with sliced avocados and lemon. I enjoyed it so much, the best one ever.

"What's his name and where did you find him? He's good", I said after we were both done with it and he came to take the used glasses away and brought us chicken and mushroom soup, which was equally great.

"Bob found him. He needed a job, I needed a chef, so I hired him, and judging by your facial expression, he was worth it", she replied.

"So what's the main course?" I asked impatiently. This chef aroused my taste buds, I couldn't wait to eat another food of his.

"Calm down. You'll see when it comes", was all she said.

She seemed calm now, and apart from the crease that forms on her head when she gets a text on her phone, I'd say the color was back on her gorgeous face.

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