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Song for this chapter (CONFIDENT, Demi Lovato)


Paige wasn't beside me when I woke up at 8:30 am. Looks like I'm going to go to work late today.
I do some stretches, and change into a black Fendi yoga pants and a matching black sports bra and head to my gym.

After an hour, I get ready to take a shower but stop when I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in".

"Uh...um... Good morning. I'm so sorry Miss, but I thought you were ready. I came earlier but you were asleep. I'll come back later", Carla, my makeup artist for work said.

I don't understand why she gets so scared in my presence. She's been living here for the past eight months, and I only see her in the mornings when she comes to do my makeup for work. She says nothing, and when she's done, leaves without a word.

"Well, I'm not ready yet. You can wait in here. I won't be long", I said.

"No, Miss. Its alright. I'll just come back when you are done", she said turning to leave.

"I said, you can wait here. I won't be long". I left her standing there looking like she could drop dead right that instant. I've never been harsh or rude to her, so I don't get why she's like that.

I take a cold shower, brush my teeth and reached for my robe, but I was met with an empty rack. What the fuck? Today is Monday. Why the hell isn't my rack filled with my bathrobes.

I grab a towel and wrap it around my body. It barely covered my ass. This is why I always needed my robes. I walk out and find Carla standing at the exact same spot.


"Yes, uh...Miss?"

"Why are you scared of me? Have I done something wrong to you?" I asked her grabbing my phone from the charger and finding out why my rack was empty.

"I'm sorry, Miss?"

Is she trying to say she didn't hear a word of what I just said?

"I asked, why are you scared of me?"

"Um...I'm not. I uh, I'm just...uh, I.....".

"It's all right. Do you want to quit?" Maybe she was scared for a reason. This thing of hers started just a few days after I hired her. She was perfectly fine the first three days. She was even a bit chatty.

"No! Uh, I mean, no. I love working here. I'm just um...shy?" She said not even lifting her head. I don't believe it, so I'm gonna get it out of her.

"Look at me, when I'm talking to you", I said and her head whipped up so fast. What the fuck?

"I'm sorry, Miss".

"And stop with the apologies. Sit with me", I said sitting on my bed. She was still standing there. "I won't say it again Carla".
She sat down slowly at the edge. I was sure a slight touch would send her straight to the floor. "Closer". She shifted less than an inch. This girl! "Closer, and don't make me say it again".
She got closer and sat on her hands. Hm, I'll just take it.

"What is going on, and I want the truth. If you like working here, I need to trust you. You can't be tiptoeing around me like that. Now, talk".

"I have been...uh...I..". A call interrupted our conversation.

"Hold on Carla. Frank? Where fuck are my robes?" I yelled into the phone.

"Sorry ma'am, your robes?"

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