To Be Whole Again (WangXian and XuanLi)

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Wei Wuxian left to study under Baoshan Sanren's care. A rewrite.

Pairings: WangXian, XuanLi, implied XiCheng


After years of peace, Wei Wuxian decided to set off to rebuild his cultivation. He trekked up the celestial mountain to meet Baoshan Sanren.

Mo Xuanyu's body had very low spiritual energy. Training where high levels of said energy is present would definitely make up for it. He just needs to build enough to make a golden core, maybe some extra energy reserves if he has more time.

He isn't sure if Baoshan Sanren would even allow a former practicioner of the demonic arts to be her student. He was still faithful in Baoshan Sanren's abilities in helping with his cultivation though.

Meanwhile, Lan Wangji was having a hard time coping with the situation. His husband will be away from him for who knows how long. Jiang Cheng easily accepted Wei Wuxian's decision, seeing as the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader is against demonic arts.

"Wangji, it's for the best" his brother reassured.


Lan Wangji really wanted this for his husband. The wait is what bothers him. He waited for thirteen years, can he even endure more?

"Sect Leader Jiang requested to have a private meeting with you later by the way"

Lan Wangji nodded and excused himself. He headed to where he kept his rabbits. Lil' Apple was there too. He always reminded the junior disciples to regularly feed the donkey so it won't make anymore noise, especially at night time. It was getting along quite well with his pet bunnies. Lan Wangji sat down on the grass as his rabbits hopped on his lap, some snuggling to his side.

"Mn... Wei Ying won't be back for a while" he said, looking at Lil' Apple. It's ears flattened on its head, giving out what seems to be a mourning bray*.

He too gave a sad sigh. Petting the bunnies seem to be cheering him up though.

The black ones have always reminded him of Wei Wuxian. He remembered the day when his husband jumped him, carrying two rabbits similar to the ones he's keeping. Lan Wangji needed to hide his face when his husband teased him about the small creature's genitals.

He stood up and walked back to Cloud Recesses. Jiang Cheng will be there soon and he didn't like being late.

"Lan Wangji" the sect leader greeted him when he entered pass the gate.

"Jiang Wanyin"

They were currently in the Library Pavilion. Jiang Cheng had been fiddling with his ring since he sat down. He seemed anxious from what Lan Wangji can see.

"You do know about Wei Wuxian going up the celestial mountain to be Baoshan Sanren's disciple, right?"

"I am well aware"

"I went up that mountain before" Jiang Cheng leaned on his elbow. "I was hoping to restore my golden core but, she said it was a tainted core, and that it would only take a few hours to cleanse. I never practiced demonic cultivation" he paused, "I believe you already know what your husband did"

Lan Wangji nodded, "Wei Ying always values others over himself"

He sighed, "I just wanted to let you know. You are his cultivation partner after all"

"Thank you. Is that all you wish to say?"

"No...there's m-more" Jiang Cheng grimaced at his stutter.

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