They Gave the Wrong Halo (WangXian)

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Inspired by the novel, " The Villain's White Lotus Halo". Everybody loves Wei Wuxian because of a world error.

Pairing: Wangxian


Due to a world system error, instead of giving the Yiling Patriarch the Immoral Villain Halo, he was given the Righteous Hero Halo. What are these halos? They are halos given to characters that influence the actions and impressions other characters make around them. The Immoral Villain halo makes it so that the person is always seen as an immoral and scummy being regardless of what they do. The Righteous Hero Halo does the opposite, it makes it so that the person is seen as good, righteous, wise, and every single good quality you can think of.

Wei Wuxian was unaware that he received the Righteous Hero Halo the moment he escaped the Burial Mounds. After winning the war, the people praised him of his efforts. "A hero" they said. Cultivators and the common people continue to spill praises regarding him.

The Yunmeng head disciple is a genius! That Wei Wuxian was able to create a new form of cultivation in the span of a few months!

He's so powerful! He can just wipe out our existence with just a simple snap of his fingers, but he does not let that power overcome his morals! In fact, he uses it for the greater good! A hero! A hero I say!

If you ask me, Yunmeng Jiang is so lucky to have him on their side--on our side. Jiang Fengmian, Yu Ziyuan, and his parents must be proud of him. In fact, his shidi must be the proudest of them all!

Wei Wuxian came from humble beginnings then accumulated great power, but he still stays humble. I'm envious, if I was him, I would boast so much, my chest might start puffing out on its own.

"All hail the hero of the Sunshot Campaign!" Jiang Cheng raised his cup over his head in mock praise.

"Stoooooppp I'm close to crying over this situation. It's too good to be true, Jiang Cheng. I haven't heard a single person that went against what I do!" Wei Wuxian groaned and down another cup of wine.

The pair sat on the docks of their sect. It was currently night time in Lotus Pier. The place was still under construction, with burn marks on some structures and stacks of wood and tools here and there.

"Cheers! To the hero of the Sunshot Campaign! Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Cheng grinned when his brother punched his shoulder in retaliation. "Alright I'll stop" He chuckled. "Yeah, I'm also surprised no one said anything about you raising the dead. In fact..." Jiang Cheng pointed to the many people who volunteered to rebuild the place sneak a few glances at his brother. "You're starting to get more attention than usual"

Wei Wuxian downed another cup at that before lifting one jar of wine and drinking from that instead.

Jiang Cheng patted his brother's shoulder. "Don't worry, this will die down in a few weeks. Trust me"

The situation definitely did not die down in a few weeks, but hey, at least they got plenty of free materials and manpower to quickly rebuild Lotus Pier. When Jiang Cheng asked why these people were practically giving out not only free stuff but free help as well, all he got was "Anything for the hero that brought peace back!" and "Master Wei deserves all the help he needs!"

Whatever. Jiang Cheng thought. At least he didn't need to do extra work.


Lanling Jin was in deep shit. The Righteous Hero Halo was definitely working it's magic. Everyone believed Wei Wuxian's words with no hesitation at all, and demanded that his request to take custody of the Wen prisoners be fulfilled.

News quickly reached outside the sects how Wei Wuxian was able to look past blind hatred and saved Wen prisoners who did not shed a single drop of blood and relocated them in Lotus Pier. Lanling Jin was accused of attempted murder on a Wen Qionglin and attempt to replace the control the Wen sect had on others during its reign.

"Oh wow" Jiang Cheng tapped his chin when his brother arrived in Lotus Pier with a group of elderly people, young children, and women. "The Jin Clan will be in a lot of distasteful rumors after this"

"I know you're upset that I suddenly asked for your help to shelter them, especially since Lotus Pier is still under reconstruction"

"Hm? Don't worry, the disciple's dorms were already finished"

"I know but--what?"

Jiang Cheng pointed to the direction of the building. Sure enough, it was finished and was identical to how it looked like before.


"It was pretty easy especially when I say that the heroic Wei Wuxian would be so thankful if we are able to finish the reconstruction soon" Jiang Cheng crossed his arms, seemingly satisfied with himself. "Ah but we haven't bought the beds and furniture yet though" He cleared his throat before yelling. "The disciples' dorms don't have beds and furniture yet! And there are people Wei Wuxian wishes to shelter to keep them safe! Whatever shall we do!!"

"Sect Leader Jiang! We will offer help with the furniture!"

"I will help with the bedding sets! No need to pay us back!"

"Yes, don't worry about paying us back!"

Jiang Cheng smiled as a small group of men ran past them to order what they needed.

Wei Wuxian looked at his brother dumbfounded.

Jiang Cheng shrugged. "I change my mind. I hope this never dies down"

"Jiang Cheng!"


Jiang Cheng walked into his brother's room with a sack. Guess what's in the sack. "Engagement proposals" He said monotonously. He untied the sack and let the contents spill on the floor. "Have fun writing replies to all this junk. If you need more paper, then shout that you need more paper"

"How is that supposed to work?"

Jiang Cheng looked at him before shouting. "Wei Wuxian needs paper!!"

In a few seconds, a man was at the doorway. "Sect Leader Jiang, Master Wei, I was told that Master Wei needed paper"

Wei Wuxian looked at his brother nervously before offering a smile to the stranger. "Ah...thank you"

"The pleasure is all mine!" He said rather enthusiastically and placed the stack of papers on the table before leaving the room with a light skip in his steps.

"Is...Is he okay?" Wei Wuxian looked at his brother.

"As okay as anyone who volunteered here"



Lan Wangji is a clear minded person, making careful decisions when presented with difficult situations. So when he heard rumors in Caiyi Town that his crush was receiving numerous engagement proposals, he made a careful decision to throw rationality out the window and into the river by flying to Lotus Pier. He was also careful enough to present his forehead ribbon to Wei Wuxian right in front of so many people while he oh so carefully confessed his feelings for him.

Hey, at least they're engaged now, right?

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