If Lan Wangji Was a Girl (WangXian)

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Wei Wuxian tries his best to woo Young Maiden Lan.

Pairing: WangXian



Wei Wuxian slumped his shoulders. "Lan Zhan! My intentions are innocent I swear!"

The younger jade of Lan; the jade considered the most precious considering her beautiful face, high cultivation, not to mention having no betrothed. Wei Wuxian couldn't pass up the opportunity of sneaking into the Cloud Recesses' female division to try and find her.

"Male disciples are not to enter the female division"

"I know, I know! But I really wanted to see you!"

A sharp glare was sent his way before Lan Wangji turned around and walked away, intending to inform her uncle of the incident.

"Wait! At least let me introduce myself!"

"Unnecessary" She took a sharp turn but Wei Wuxian catched up to her, sweeping her off her feet to carry her in his arms.

"There we go, now you have to listen to me!" He grinned and sent a wink.

Lan Wangji gritted her teeth, her ears going pink. "Let go of me"

"Not until you give me an answer"


"Let me court you!"


Wei Wuxian pouted. "Come now, please?"

On that day, a loud slap was heard across the Cloud Recesses.

The next day, Wei Wuxian was seen having a noticeable hand print on his cheek while buying a large bouquet of flowers and a box of jewelry.

The day after that, the students noticed Lan Qiren glaring at a quiet Wei Wuxian in class who had the softest smile on his face.

The day after the day after that, Wei Wuxian was seen in Caiyi Town with a beautiful maiden next to him.

"She's my wife!"

"Wei Wuxian!"

"...not yet" Lan Wangji looked into Wei Wuxian's eyes, her ears turning pink.

Wei Ying grinned widely. "Of course, of course! We need to talk to our parents to settle an engagement!" He turned to his brother and slung and arm over his shoulder. "Jiang Cheng, you need to warm up to your future sister-in-law"

"Lan...Wangji?" Jiang Cheng looked at the stoic girl infront of him. What did he do for her to agree to a courtship?

Lan Wangji cupped her hands infront of her and bowed to Jiang Cheng. "Wangji humbly greets brother-in-law"

Jiang Cheng's eyes widened as he looked between Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian. "U-Uh...the pleasure is all mine"

Lan Wangji lifted her head and nodded at him.

"...How did your uncle take this news?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"His heart condition acted up" Lan Wangji replied.

Wei Wuxian returned to his lover's side. Lan Wangji hummed and held onto Wei Ying's arm as he led them back to Cloud Recesses.

"We'll be discussing wedding plans. See you, Jiang Cheng!" Wei Wuxian waved goodbye at his brother.

"See....you...?" Jiang Cheng awkwardly waved back. Wait...that means I'm going to be the last one to get married.

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