The Reasons I Haven't Noticed (WangXian)

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Listing the reasons why Wei Wuxian loves Lan Wangji.

Pairing: WangXian


Wei Wuxian always says that he loves Lan Wangji, and if someone asks for a reason, he just shrugs and says he doesn't know either. But don't get him wrong, he really does love his husband.

These are the reasons why Wei Wuxian loves Lan Wangji.

Righteous. Everyone knows that Lan Wangji is strict about rules. But within these rules are morals he goes by, and it all says one thing: do good, stray away from evil. And it is such a simple saying to go by, but Lan Wangji makes sure to follow it until his last breath. He will not do things for personal gain and he will not give in to mortal temptations (except when it's Wei Ying). He will only ever believe in the truth, he will not listen to frivolous gossip, or be easily swayed by the voices of many. He will listen to the truth and will stand by the truth, even if it meant going against the world. What was important is that he did the right thing. Wei Wuxian has always admired Lan Zhan's sense of righteousness.

Beautiful. No one can argue against the fact that Lan Wangji is handsome, a deity statue made of jade. It would be considered a great offense if one were to even get a speck of dirt on the man's pristine clothes. When Wei Wuxian first got a glimpse of his naked body at the Cold Springs, he was impressed by the man's good figure. Lan Wangji always takes care of himself, as per the sect's rules.

Do not dress frivolously.
Always take care of one's appearance.
Do not neglect even the trivial details.

Along with his handsome face, comes with little facial expressions. It only makes him look like a noble immortal who graces the land he walks on. How lucky can one be to even see a shadow of a smile grace his lips. There were even whispers surrounding the common people that only Wei Wuxian was able to do such an impossible task.

Devoted. Lans can only love once in their life. That love is both a blessing and a curse. For Wei Wuxian, he is always sure that his husband will only have eyes for him. Lan Wangji will do his best to make time for his husband, indulge him, spoil him, love him. He promised to travel the world with him on a donkey while Wei Wuxian carries a little one in his arms. He promises to carry out Wei Wuxian's dream of living in a small cottage together where he spends his time cleaning the house, sewing clothes, and cooking while his husband goes farming for their food. He would wait by the door like a good husband until Wei Ying comes back all dirty with a hoe over his shoulder. He will take his handkerchief, wipe his face before placing a kiss on his forehead. Yes, Lan Wangji will give everything he can offer for his husband.

Listens. Nobody took Wei Wuxian seriously. If not seriously, then they won't take his word with respect. When he was just a teenager, people didn't bother to listen to the words of a servant's son. They rejected his outrageous ideas without even listening to what more he has to say. When he was the Yiling Patriarch, people had never listened to his side, they didn't believe his words even if they were true. If they deemed what he said was true, the they will twist his words against him, make him look like the villain once again. But Lan Wangji has always been considerate, listening to his side of the story. The reminder that there is still one person who would listen to him fills his heart with satisfaction and relief. Even with his noisy chattering, Lan Wangji will listen. When he thinks of another crazy idea, Lan Wangji will listen. Even with his sad monologues, Lan Wangji will listen.

Stays. When he was the Yiling Patriarch, he would always sacrifice himself for others. His brother and Wen Qing were always tired of his selflessness and his hero complex. After his reincarnation, he realized that he was always there for others, but who was there for him? Who was there beside him when he took his last breath? Who stood by his side when he was in danger? Who took the hits for him when he was wrongfully accused of? Who actually sacrificed for him? And when he turned his head to the figure sleeping beside, he smiled and thought, Lan Zhan...Lan Zhan would do those things.

"Sect Leader Jiang must know his brother very well" Lan Xichen hummed, sipping his tea.

Jiang Cheng scoffed. "It will be hard not to know. The idiot would always say so many complements about his Lan Wangji but wouldn't say a goddamn thing when people ask why he loves him"

Lan Xichen smiled. Perhaps Wei Wuxian has too many reasons to even point out at least one.

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